I know I have Kendall's support, but Kingsley is an entirely different story. Lately, the man's been walking around like he's just seeing his daughter for the first time... and maybe he is. "Don't worry about me, Firefly." I murmur against her neck, inhaling the all too familiar scent of vanilla and lavender on her skin and hair. "But I need you to do something for me, okay?"

Her pale blue eyes search my face, the smallest smile tugging in her plump lips and she nods, "What can I do, Kade?" She licks her lips and my eyes zero in on it. That and the way her dress has bunched up around her thighs and I'm reminded of the layers of clothing separating her pussy from my now hardening cock. How can one human being quickly become the center of my universe? The way she looks at me makes me want to forget my intentions of her enjoying the party and take her right her on my bed and deliver her orgasm after orgasm for new years.

"Freshen up and let's enjoy our first New Year's together, yeah?" I ask, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. While, I think Sage's beautiful in any capacity, I'm sure my girl wants to make sure her make-up and hair are on point. I know I'm right when she plants a sweet kiss on my lips and smiles before sliding off my lap. I commend myself on at least keeping my hard on at bay, but her knowing smile and the way her gaze darkens as it lowers to my cock tells me she's just as effected as I am.

"I'll something to eat while you freshen up, babe," I extend my hand and she takes it, following as I lead her to her room. "Call me when you're ready and I'll come get you, okay." Needing to hold her one more time, I gather her in my arms and kiss her, not the kiss I've reserved for later, but this one's just as heated.

With a chuckle, I leave my girl dazed and head downstairs only to run into Erin. "So it's true? You and Sage? How could she not tell me?" She rattles on keeping in step with me as I head for the kitchen. "I mean I knew you were like super protective, but your best friend's sister is so—"

"Did you tell Sage you fucked her brother yet or no?" I toss out, helping myself to some food. Erin should know by now that Kyle has no shame in his game and Tanner's probably going to move on soon if she doesn't stop playing games. "If I were you, I'd worry about your own love life and stop stringing Tanner along, no?"

Her face reddens beneath the fake tan she's got going on and she snatches a piece of chicken from my plate and pops it into her mouth. "Firstly, I'm worried about you both getting hurt. It's pretty obvious Sage likes to play the field and we all know it's because the last guy she actually liked fucked her up so badly. Secondly, I've moved on from Tanner—"

"Right." I scoff, pointing to the necklace she's wearing that I know for a fact is a gift from Tanner. "So... your definition of moving on is to fuck his best friend, who you know is just about getting pussy and less about being with you."

The fire in her eyes seconds before her palm connects with my face is palpable. "You're an asshole, Kaden McCarthy and I hope Sage stomps all over your heart just like you did Lola!" She slaps me again before turning and stomping out the room. Was I a bit harsh? Sure, but that girl is probably the worst friend for my girl and toxic to my friends. Assuming they're still my friends.

I'm filling my alcohol filled stomach with food when Sage calls. "Hey, you want me to bring you some food—" my blood turns cold at the conversation on the other side of the phone. "Heard you've got yourself a boyfriend, baby girl?" Holden Townsend's voice is on the line and I'm no idiot, but I'm sure Sage's not besties with that prick.

"How'd you get in here?" She stammers and there's a ruffling in the background and harsh breathing. "Let me go! Get off of me!" The terror in my girl's voice has me bolting up the stairs and towards her room. "Do you want me to choke you again or are you gonna be a good girl and let me play?"

Choking!?!? Without so much of a thought and the sound of Sage screaming and I kick the fucking door down. "Get the fuck off of my girl, mother fucker!" It takes me all of five seconds to Holden's got one hand around Sage's neck and the other disappearing under her dress. "This doesn't concern you, McCarthy. Little Henderson and I have an arrangement or didn't you know just how Sage was spending her time in Hillcrest." He taunts and I see red. Wrapping my hand on the collar of his shirt, I yank his ass away from Sage and hold him down. Sage's sobs echo in my ears and as much as I want to beat his ass within an inch of his life, I don't want her exposed to that.

"Baby, take your phone in the bathroom and call your brother." I force out, trying to rein in my anger. "Tell him that problem we were looking at showed up uninvited." I hold her gaze to make sure she's heard me loud and clear. "Lock the door and do not come out unless I or your brother tells you, okay?"

"O-okay," she stutters, frozen on the other side of her bed. I need to deal with Holden and Sage isn't likely to snap out of her shock without me being harsh. "Sage! Now, baby!" That gets her in gear as her eyes dart from me to Holden who's struggling under my weight before she darts into her bathroom.

"Now what were you saying about my girl?" I growl and punch him the face before he could open his fucking mouth. "Sorry. What was that?" The fucker merely smirks and licks his bloody lips. "Sage is quite popular with my friends and I. Did you know the currency for favors in there is more of the sexual variety. I have to admit, I've been dying to taste that sweet little pussy—"

I lose my shit, smashing my fist into face over and over. I'm barely away of hands pulling and yanking me away. Of the screams echoing the room, the cries for me to stop. It's all tunnel vision and all I see is him and all I feel is the need to avenge a girl who holds my heart in her palm. My girl.

"You sick motherfucker!" I struggle to breathe and break through the arms I recognize as Mikey and Tanner holding me back. "You think we don't hear the stories about you Townsend. We know what you do to girls, so tell me what you did!"

The softest whisper floats through the room, followed by the words that will be my undoing, unleashing the animal that resides within the deepest parts of my soul. "He raped me..." Sage's confession is hollow and before I can get back to the bloody mess that is Holden Townsend, Kyle is plowing his fist into his face.

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