Chapter 6

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Sage, Age 10

Yep, I was in so much trouble. Mom specifically told me to change out of my dress, but Kyle and Kaden were gonna take over the treehouse Daddy was having built and that's not fair.

So the first thing I did when I got home was run through the house and I climbed up the tree the workers marked off for the treehouse. I'd always liked climbing. Heights didn't scare me, falling did. I'd fallen out of this tree four times already. I heard my mom's panicked cry and I felt bad. Last time I fell I broke my arm and that sucked.

"Sage! What are you doing up there?!" Mom cried, the wind blowing her golden hair in her face. Her shoes were off and she was on her phone, probably with Daddy. He was the only one, other than Anthony and the firefighters that one time that could get me down. "Kingsley, your daughter is in the tree again! Yes, I'm aware you're in a meeting. Fine, but you're dealing with this when you come home!"

"I'll come down, Mommy." I sniffled, feeling bad about having to disturb my dad at work. Anthony, Mom's driver came around from the garages and shook his shaggy blonde hair. "Again, little monkey? I'll get her down, Mrs. H." He smiled, his arms stretched out. "Stay put while I get the ladder, Monkey."

It was getting colder out and I shivered. Mommy and I sang a song while Anthony got a ladder. He returned with my brother and Kaden behind him. "Found these two drawing up plans for the treehouse." He laughs positioning the ladder.

"How many times are you keep climbing up our tree, Sage?" Kyle teased and rolled his eyes. "Now Anthony has to help you and listen to you cry like a baby."

"Kyle! That is enough! What did I tell you big brothers are supposed to do?" Mom frowned at him with her arms crossed. My brother sighed, "I'm supposed to look out for her, but come on Mom she does it all the time."

"I won't! You can have the treehouse, meanie!" I cried as Anthony reached me. I knew what to do. He'd called me monkey because I'd have to climb onto him and hold on while he climbed down. "Easy there, Little Monkey. You're in good hands, I promise."

I squeezed him tight the whole way down, my face in his shoulder. I hope he didn't mind my tears and snot on him. Anthony was always nice and did whatever he could to help out since his uncle was our groundskeeper.

"Thank you, Anthony." I sniffled and wiped my eyes, not looking at anyone. He set me down and ruffled my hair. "Do your mom a favor and no climbing for now, Monkey?"

I nod, a small smile on my lips. "I will. I don't like that tree anymore anyway. Sorry I ruined my dress, Mommy." My mom crouches down next to me and tucks my hair behind my ears, "The dress doesn't matter as long as you're okay, my sweet girl. How about we get some ice cream and have a girl's night?"

My eyes lit up. Girl nights with Mom are so much fun. "Can we go into town for ice cream, please?" I clasp my hands together and sway a little. She laughs softly and tucks me into her side. Mommy always smelled like a field of flowers on a perfect spring day. I told her that once and she said a lady should always have a signature scent.

"Kaden, would you like to stay over tonight? I'll have Rosie make you guys pizza tonight?" Mom said as we walked inside. The boys ran off to the media room no doubt to play Kyle's newest game. I tugged on Mom's hand and she raised her brows at me. "I'm really sorry for scaring you, Mommy."

She bundles me in her arms and smooths my hair back. I'd finally grown it back after Kaden dared me to cut it and it's at the middle of my back. My bangs though are growing out, but I think I like them. "Sagie Bear, no matter what you do, I'll always love you, sweet girl." I smiled when she patted my head. "Now grab your coat I do believe someone needs a new dress on our adventure."

"Okay! I'll be back!" I ran past Anthony listening to him laughs as I ran to my room for my coat. Mom made sure my room had lots of room for clothes and toys. Picking out a blue coat that matched my shoes, I practically skipped down the stairs, stopping suddenly.

"Anthony, wait. We can't do this here. Sage will see us." Mom said, her voice whispering and breathless. I couldn't see what they were doing so I snuck to the kitchen. Rosie must not be in yet otherwise why would they be whispering?

"Shh, baby, I barely see you as it is. You're always gone and I'm left with driving the kids." Anthony said and my eyes widened. Mommy was on the counter and Anthony stood between her legs. They were kissing! Kissing! A door slammed and I ran out of the room before they saw me.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Daddy's voice sounded from the doorway. I ran into his arms and cried. I didn't know what to do. The click of heels followed by my mom's voice made my stomach hurt. "She was up in the tree again, honey. Thank goodness for Anthony getting her down. We're gonna get ice cream and have a girl's day."

"I don't feel good. Can I go to bed?" I mumbled into Daddy's coat. He feels my forehead and frowns, "you don't have a fever, pumpkin."

"Please. My stomach hurts and I feel sick." I cried, holding my stomach. I can't look at my mom without seeing her kissing Anthony.

"Come on, sweet girl. Let's get you to bed and I'll have Rosalie make you some soup. You can watch TV until you fall asleep, okay?" She holds her hand out for me to take, but I just turn and go up to my room. I've heard stories from kids at school whose parents break up over cheating. I don't want to break my daddy's heart.

I change into my pajamas and crawl into bed when Mom comes in with soup. "How are you feeling, Dove." I can't look at her. "Sage, what's really going on. Did something happen? Are you angry with me?" She turns my face toward her.

"I saw you in the kitchen. Kissing Anthony. How could you, Mommy? How could you?" I cried, pulling my knees up to my chest and hugging them. Her eyes fill with tears and she shakes her head. "I'm so sorry, Sage. What you saw is complicated. Your father and I are going through a lot, as grown up do, and we're working through it. Anthony is a friend and things have gone too far. We both know that and I'm trying my best to fix it so he knows he's just my friend." She wipes my eyes. "I promise I'll fix this, but you can't say anything about this, Sage. Please, don't tell your father."

I didn't want to hurt my dad or my mom. I didn't want to be the reason they break up so I nod, rubbing my eyes. "I won't tell."

I can keep a secret. I have to, for my family.

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