Chapter 40

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"Wake up, beautiful," A husky voice murmurs in my ear and the weight around my stomach shifts as my eyes peel open and I adjust to my surroundings. Kade and I fell asleep on the couch watching movies and surprisingly I didn't have any nightmares or wake up during the night. We did venture upstairs to the loft so he could show the rose petals and flowers under the guide of insisting I sleep in something comfortable and by comfortable he ment his shirt.

Turning to face him, I find that Kaden McCarthy has gotten even more beautiful through the years and my breath catches in my throat. "I don't think there's much in the way of breakfast foods, so I could venture out to the house while you get a ride in with Chestnut or we could just go back together."

Together. That one word symbolizes so much between Kade and I. We're officially a couple and this time I refuse to let anything or anyone take him away from me. Even the ghosts of my past or the nightmares that haunt me every moment of every day.

Shifting so that he's lying on his back, I straddle him and his hands grip my hips and I rake my fingers through his hair as I look down on him. "I'm sure everyone thinks I've flown the coup, so we should head back. Thank you for making my first Christmas home the best." He's all smiles as he pulls me down to kiss me and those same sparks I felt at fifteen still shoot down my spine. "I missed you." I admit, my lips brushing his once more. And I do. Kaden McCarthy represented the only sacred thing that I chose for myself throughout my whole life. Even my relationship with Hunter was built on the expectation of the head cheerleader must date the star quarterback.

"I missed you too, Firefly. You don't have to worry about the family hunting you down though. I let Kyle know you were a little restless so we crashed over here last night. Plus your dad saw you out riding last night anyway." His broad shoulders lift in a shrug and I could kiss him all over again for taking care of the logistics with my family.

Clearing my throat and giving him one last peck, I shove off him which his eyes drop right to my exposed thighs barely covered by his shirt and my black lace panties are on display for him.

"He did?" My brows rise in shock. My dad hasn't done that kind of thing since I was younger and old enough to ride on my own safely when I couldn't sleep, but I'd always seen the light from his office on and the curtains open letting me know he's there if I'm ever in trouble. It's one of the few times throughout my childhood I felt safe. Now, as an adult finding herself looking at the world through new sober eyes, it's... refreshing.

"Yeah. He does it more than you think... the check-ins, I mean," Kade says as he jams his legs into his jeans. I stand there, watching him with this strangely new fascination, like a girl with a crush when in reality he and I have danced around each other for years. I hate what I did to ruin it, because Kaden was my light in a truly dark time in my life. I watch him while I dress and he helps me put my boots on and places a kiss on my leggings clad knees.

We walked up to the house, close enough to touch, but not touching, deciding to wait to tell everyone about us until after new years. "Well good morning, dear sister." Kyle greets me with a cup of coffee before his gaze slides over to Kade, his baby blue eyes narrow as he regards his best friend. "We still on for that thing today?" A look passes between them and if my stomach hadn't growled, I'd be pushing to find out what's going on. Kade just nods and the two fist bump, "yeah, let me grab some food and shower and we can head out." I don't take it personally when he moves past me, barely touching me, especially when I see him adding mushrooms to the eggs still warmed up on the stove because I know it's for me. "Eat up, Kiddo. You were hopped up on sugar last night."

"Where's Nessa?" I ask my brother and his cheeks slightly flush as he looks away from me. I know that look all too well and I swear if he fucks around with her, I'll kick him in the dick. Before I could voice my threat, Nessa comes walking through the door dressed in a sports bra, shorts and sneakers. Her dark hair is thrown up in a ponytail and sweat drips from her forehead and down her chest and back.

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