Volume 2 Season 2 Episode 27

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Jinsei's eyes somehow widened as then suddenly he kicked Milim way hard and she has plummeted to multiple pillars of the castle and then he sensed something that shocked him..

Milim: Heh~ You now know huh~? Such a Deep bond you two have.... me and you before had that..... now....

Jinsei: Ishmael. . . . . Ishmael is...










Milim: oho~? He is someone important I see~ Or rather a brother..

Jinsei: GHK TCH!

Jinsei: GHK TCH!

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You are my special

Shows Jinsei now with a Normal look then shows The Union academy with the boys and the elites now walking in the dark

You are my special

Chaotic council of the Chaotic boys: Volume 2

You are my special

As then Shows Ishmael with his Captain fit and then the camera pans through.

Imawa no kiwakiwa de odori mashou
Toukyou zensen kyou no miyako

Shows The Saint Freya Students as the Squad V Dorms as then Jinsie flash steps in and Ishmael then shows himself with a Captain outfit as The Immortal blades with their weapons out as Duradal's eyes glow blue and Somehow looked like a snake eyes

Oujou giwa no kiwakiwa de agaki mashou
Ogyougi no warui tsura mo misete yo

Shows The UA as then Shiba's temple as then He is chilling in the temple and then he the slashes the sword and then transitions

I love you, baby
Utai tsuzuke mashou

Shows Zane with his New outfit as his Pendant is now with him and a new sword on his back as he is looking back as a mysterious white lady appears

Donna shiremono mo donna yosomono mo
Kokoro moeru ikkyoshu ittousoku

Shows Mitsuki with her Hair flowing in the wind as she then summoned her blades and then slammed them on the ground and then

Hashiridashitara ankontorooru
You are my special

Council of the chaotic boys( Union Academy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now