Volume 2 Episode 18

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As Then an Ice Wave is now sent as Winter is now tumbles back as she then later uses her maiden powers and then pushes back the ice only to dent stop it.


Winter: TCH!

Weiss is not done and she then Slams her blade and Created a HUGE wave and Winter umped over it and then only to see Weiss now behind her and slashed her back


Winter; GK!



Winter then sends pressurized cold air on Weiss and then just covered herself and slides back and then..

Winter: TCH.. Now you have done it....


Winter is breaking hard as her back was slashed and now she saw Weiss just Just somehow manipulated the ice and then it went conservative mode and now it is now formed gauntlets on her hands and then..

Weiss(Mind): hand to hand combat is not really my forte... but if I need to keep my Shikai form on for long periods of time them I have to resort to conservative means... the sword form is higher form... it wastes more energy than it should.. now I wounded her it is safe to use it...

 now I wounded her it is safe to use it

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Winter(Mind): She morphed her weapons of ice..? And on her hands? tch... How barbaric!

Weiss then formed a Boxing stance and then She stares down on Winter and then she said to her..

Winter; And now youa re willing to get your hands dirty and fight with your hands... how unload like, Weiss..

Weiss: Lady like Lady this Unlady like fuck that, Winter.... If you can show hands you can show hands...... Heh.. That is what Zane told me...

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