Volume 2 Episode 23

289 8 14

Ishmael: Hm? You are not alone

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Ishmael: Hm? You are not alone... How common..

Kiba and Koneko are shocked to see Ishmael and iris in the same area and at the same time and Ishmael then dropped from the building and landed on the bridge breaking it as he slams his fist on the edge and Iris is now exiting some shadows and her Sharingan now glows up.


Iris then looked at Koneko who is on guard and then she looks at Ishmael and Ishmael know what her game is and then..


Kiba/Koneko; FAST-

Ishmael went for Kiba and Iris went for Koneko



Port: man it must be their strategy to go form level one until the Leven ten! I wonder who is their level ten enemy!

Mic; The Saint freya somehow and MAYBE saw them a nuisance.  And annoying ones so any person sane will clean their stuff



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Iris is now chasing down Koneko and she is now She looks back only to see Iris with her eye somehow wide with the Expression of locked in and she thought.

Koneko(Mind); She is so fast! Even with a drawn sword??

Koneko then saw a toppled car and she jumps there and Iris now jumps in and then she tries to slash her but Koneko has some Cat like reflexes considering her race and then she thought..

Iris(Mind); Ara? I thought I slashed her... I see... You converted your magic to strength... even with any kind of ability it is not that hard to do but hard to maintain..... Lets see how long can you last....hm?



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Council of the chaotic boys( Union Academy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now