Volume 2 Season 2: Episode 4

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Jinsei is now returning from shopping from the mall when he suddenly Sensed someone on his back and then he looked behind him and then he saw someone and he realized the guy is on a battle suit.. and then....

Jinsei: Oy... I know you have been following me all the time... So... Who are you..?



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Jinsei(Mind): A magic book.. He is... A mage..

????: It seems it ws indeed easy to find you! JINSEI HINATA!

Jinsei: Who are you....

As he is already on a fighting pose and then suddenly..

????: Oh?

Suddenly a magic circle is below him and then ju just jumps away before it turned to a bunch of spikes that shot out of the ground and then..


?????(Mind): He dodged that.. Tch this will be alittle harder......

Jinsei: I dont know who you are... But fuck off....

?????: I refu-




Jinsei then placed some or Half of the strength he has to that punch and punched his face and away and it sent him flying away to an abandoned building and destroyed...

Jinsei's hand somehow shakes alittle after the punch and then he thought.

Jinsei(Mind): He is durable... I'll give him that...


Jinsei then dashes and then went to the area where he sent him flying and then he landed on the roof and then he saw the mage just on the ground and he just stood up and then.

????: Damn it.... What the hell Was that strength-

Jinsei: OY!

????(Mind): What? He sent me flying so far away and almost in an instant he is already there... Tch I must carry out the queen's orders... Heh...

Jinsei: Who the fuck are you..?

?????: My name is not important to know, Jinsei Hinata... In fact... I am here to eliminate you for my Queen..

Jinsei: "Your" queen?


Jinsie saw him now summoning his magic staff and then he summoned many more magic circles and he said...


Jinsei then later flares some black aura and then it solidified to become a Black kimono and his sword is now on sight and then he jumps back.

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