Volume 2 Season 2 Episode 12

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After the Defeat of Union City on the war and the Dragons have already retreated and leaving behind the HUGE destruction and on this moment on.

Everything is not the same at all...

The news spread like wild  fire as It all Shows Union's Destruction as it turned to a Living Hell situation for the Union City and the City council and even the government is now interfering and since even with the combined efforts of all Full timers and Students did not even help and then now.

Jinsei is now in the laboratory ward as somehow the biggest bad news since then as his YAMATO is the sword that BROKE in battle with Finira which Astolfo finished it off and then Tesla is now doing Her best to somehow repair the Divine Key that broke and then....

Jinsei; "Cant fix it...?" what do you mean?

Tesla: Usually When a Divine Key gets some sort of a damage they re just scratches or cracks on the Divine Key unless it is a Huge construct like the Divine Key number 2... and many more however your Divine Key is somewhat of a Very Unique kind....  Your Shikai broken chan be fixed if ever it is broken... bankai also since you can fix it with your power...

Jinsei: SO I will use my power or fuse them back with my Honkai energy..?

Einstein: We are not done yet... What I mean is that your own weapon form your own stigmata powers... This one is Outside of your Stigmata powers and this means... This sword is now irreplaceable and cannot be repaired..

Jinsei is shocked as he heard that news and then later someone gets into the room and then he saw Ghuzt and then Ghuzt said..

Ghuzt: Boy.. Come with me....

Jinsei: Dad...?

Tesla and Einstein then nodded as they return the Yamato and even the broken piece of the Yamato and then he placed the Yamato into his Stigmata space and then he then went with Ghuzt and then...

Ghuzt; You went to fight the Dragon queen without my permission... and I did not even say youa re truly ready..

Jinsei just looks down and then Ghuzt continues his lecture...

Ghuzt; You lost Control... You may not know what would have happened when they continue to fight to extinction... What would have happened to you.... 

Jinsei: . . . ..  They destroyed my home... Why should I

Ghuzt: THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES IN EACH OF EVERY CHOICE You should remember that... You lost control of yourself and killed a defenseless victim...

Jinsie remembers his first kill as a child and then he just looks down and then he realized as then..

Ghutz: However... You did a Good Job on Chasing them away...... Your power is somehow in someway to defeat them...

Tyr: And you went on to fight the Dragon queen even thought I know youa re not ready as a fully fledged warrior yet.... but now I think it is Time.... For your knowledge of your origin..

Jinsei: Origin...?

Tyr: The truth of your existence..... Will lie within a Series of A training test ground... And in Valhalla.....

Jinsie widened his eyes as he is now going to Valhalla and then...

Jinsei: In vallhalla..?

Tyr: Correct... get prepared after you recover from your wounds.....


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