Volume 2 Episode 4

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Jinsei is now on his final Round on his Interrogation round for his opponent and the last one is Shiva Mundus..

Then he arrived at the place and then he is now entering the room.

Jinsei: Not gonna lie even with some bandages you never miss on the drip, Miss Shiva san..

Shiva: Oh... Jinsei Hinata.. never thought would be the one to come here..

 never thought would be the one to come here

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Jinsei: You dont mind.. Me being here right..?

Shiva: No I dont... At least someone I know is here..

Jinsei: I find this alittle strange you dont resent me for defeating you or something..?

Shiva: Yes I dont, You interest me alot these days...you defeated me fair and square and as a human it is quite a feat... Defeating the Devil Princess like me... So What do you need from me..?

Jinsei: Info... from you or some sort..

Shiva: What makes you think I would give it so easily?

Jinsei: because yes and please?

Shiva: PFFT HAHAHAAHAHHA You are truly hilarious in a good way HAHAHAAHAH! Ok fine~ But you see us devils who have existed from the direct lineage of Lilith our All Mother or some sort of like that...

Jinsei: Hmmm So instead of an All father an All mother?

Shiva: Correct.. Our powers are from the pure Chaos side of Magic... You see in the dawn of the golden age of magic oh wait can I tell you a favorite tale of mine from my time?

Jinsei: Oho? Now then I am interested in that story tell me..

Shiva: In the dawn of the Golden age of magic, There is a Kingdom in the far north called Estonia.   Our mother Lilith was one of the Estonians as she grew up to love magic and then something happened to her that also affected the Estonians.. She asked to be exiled to the King as he felt mercy for her due to her growing curse, then she left for the underworld with The King personally escorting her.

Jinsei: Ohhh Sounds like a Good man..

Shiva: As also a King we all know kings have Concubines..

Jinsei: I think I know where this is going.

Shiva: Correct, Our Mother Lilith is the second wife of the king there... loved in equals as his first wife but her curse is concerning all of them so the King has discussed this before exiling her with a cover to hide her curse form the public.. Then in the underworld she created a new family as She is now populating with devils what we already know of...

Jinsei: Hmmmm Now this si interesting.... and youa re royalty there..?

Shiva: Yep... But our Kingdom is small compared to the fakes who stole form us hundreds and thousands of years ago Heh Never thought I will stoop Low to get even defeated by a man like you.

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