Season 2 episode 5: Greetings Captain...

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Ishmael Muramasa Hinata

The Captain of Hyperion in Union City and Saint freya.

Many have heard about Saint freya's captain and how he is one of the strongest warriors in Saint Freya.

 And that captain, Is now Entering the premises.


IN the Headmaster's meeting room.

Ningguang: Alright, Overseer, What do you need in this meeting?

Otto: Me? I am not the one who called this meeting, I am merely a messenger...

Ironwood: Dont fool around here, Otto I know that you would use this for your schemes!

Otto: And there you are again voicing out your nonsense..

Nezu: Now, Now, Ironwood I am sure he has called us here with purpose knowing him..

Sirzechs: Otto, Just Get to the point I have important matters to attend.

Otto: And what is that "Important matter?" 

Sirzechs: None of your business.. Human..

Otto: Sirzechs.... Do you know you still owe me a lot?

Sirzechs: Huh? What do you mean?

Otto: Your scandal against human experimentation.... Sirin, And other forced Allegations on Humans.... So... If I were to release this info you know what will happen right?

Sirzechs: tch...

Ozpin: Hmm? So Otto, What is the Agenda?

Otto: Oh! Yeah.. Before I forget...


Otto: Come in, Ishmael

Ningguang: I wonder what's this all about...?

(Ishmael: Excuse me then..)




As Ishmael enters the room the atmosphere began to thicken ominously as the Headmasters minus Otto are shocked that a person is that authoritative and has the dark Vibe  and a message

(Challenge me if you dare)

Each foot steps releases a strong dark vibes to the headmaster's and All of them re shocked that someone like this is inside Saint Freya.

And even... Wonder if he is someone important...

Ishmael: I am captain Ishmael Muramasa Hinata... captain of the Battleship Hyperion Of Saint Freya Schicksal..

Ironwood: THE CAPTAIN???? 

Otto: Indeed, Ironwood... He is here to give his new gathered information from his mission including the Information that Our dear new students of Union had among themselves.

Ironwood: What they re doing is VIGILANTISM! OTTO! WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE DOING??

Otto: It is not Vigilantism when the Headmasters of their respective schools Approve right? Or rather.. even a teacher...

Ninnguang: I approved Dyrroth's solo mission but before hand he gave me information which I approved.

Nezu: I approved Miyasato and Shiba's Dual Mission... Same Conditions...

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