"Do you know this show?" She asked while pointing at the television.

Nyx shook her head, watching television was a luxury that she wasn't offered often. There were a few communal ones in the cafeteria and some installed in the lounging areas for the soldiers, and she had to be lucky it was on a channel she liked. Besides her luck, the channels often showed old television programs or shows as new ones weren't made anymore in the country, and television from outside of the States wasn't allowed.

"It isn't good anyway, so you don't miss out on much."

"Not good? It's terrible, my love," Andrew remarked.

"Then why are we watching it?"

"Because I know you secretly like it."

"No, I don't."

"Keep telling that to yourself, my love," Andrew kissed her.

After a couple of minutes of silence whereas everybody was intently watching the television Andrew sparked up a conversation, being bored with the show. "So Nyx, how do you like it so far here in the glamorous Aurora Borealis Pack?"

The human girl had to try hard to not smile upon hearing this new piece of information. "That's difficult to answer."

"Why so?"

"I am on enemy territory, but I am treated fairly well seeing the circumstances."

"I wouldn't say you are treated 'fairly well', I think it comes more closely to being respected and cared for, don't you think?" Andrew critiqued.

"Andrew, don't," Nora scolded.

"What? I am not saying anything wrong."

Nyx scoffed. "I am still being held here against my will."

"Are you sure about that? What maybe not everyone knows in this pack, but I do, is that life across the border isn't that nice. I know about the hardships many humans have to suffer because your glorified president is actually a dictator and doesn't give a shit about you, but only about winning this costly war... So, are you sure you want to go back?"

Nyx was taken aback by the sneer of Andrew, not expecting such hostility from him. "You say I am being respected, but at the same time everywhere I look, judgemental looks are shot at me, but the moment I speak out I am in the wrong?" She avoided the initial question, not knowing the answer and it shamed her.

"Frankly, yes you are. You are part of HPS, you are the symbol of the hatred that caused this war."

"And your being is the symbol of my hatred, it was you werewolves who killed many innocent humans like my parents."

"But you don't even know who they were or from which pack. You side all of us together!"

Nyx fell silent after that.

Nora shot Andrew a look and he sighed. "My apologies, Nyx. I got carried away. I was recently at the front, you see... All I am trying to say is that if you don't want us to look at you as one of the many HPS soldiers, then don't look at all of us as your parent's murderers."

Nyx looked away. Andrew was right, but she didn't want to admit that because admitting to her brother-in-law meant that she wanted to stay here, that she was intending to stay here which she wasn't.

Silas then suddenly appeared around the corner. "Andrew, Nyx, would you both please follow me?"

Nyx looked with surprise first at Nora and Andrew and then Silas himself. "What? I can't join the party?" Nora asked.

"Of course, you may join, but I know you don't like discussions surrounding pack matters."

"Yeah, you are right, of you go, so I can watch my terrible tv show without disruptions," Nora chuckled as did Andrew.

Upon entering the home office she was asked to sit on one of the chairs standing in front of the humongous desk that was set in the middle at the end of the room. Silas sat down in front of her, the unknown man stood behind him and Andrew remained standing as well to her left side, leaning against the wall.

"Nyx, I want you to meet my Beta Claus," The Beta nodded his head and Nyx replied with a curt nod. "Now we all know each other, we can go to the matter at hand... I know I promised you Nyx that I wouldn't dare to ask what I am about to ask. But we are rather desperate."

The Alpha readjusted himself in his seat before he continued, "Over the past two weeks abductions have taken place in this area, abductions similar to what you did during your time with HPS, similar to those happening in California. Only there is one key difference. HPS has now decided to abduct children."

Nyx eyes widened with shock.

"At this moment, we are trying our hardest to find them and bring them back to their parents. But seeing as many abductions have taken place in the course of such a short time we like to prevent them in the future in our pack and those who are neighbouring. This is where you fall into place... We were wondering if you could share any intel on their tactics?" 

Thank you for reading!

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