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The tunnel was dark and damp. All was silent except for the footsteps of the two men whisking down the passageway. The only light came from tiny shafts in the ceiling, or, more importantly, the ball of light shining from one of the man's palms.

"We've lost," the bigger man huffed as they walked. "How could we lose?"

"We're not dead," the one with the light pointed out. "We didn't lose yet."

The large man covered his eyes with his hands. "Yes, we did," he groaned. "If only the Overlord hadn't destroyed Ollander, if only he hadn't taken the Energy Crystal, then it could've been mine and—"

"Quit moping!" the younger man snapped, turning on him as they halted. "Did you not hear me? I still have a plan."

"A plan?" the first echoed in outrage. "Our army is gone, the Guardians are looking for us, and we've got nowhere to hide!"

The young man stretched his glowing hand forward, peering into the darkness. "Don't be so sure," he murmured. "We're almost there."

Without another word, he stormed onward.

Biting back a growl, the first man followed.

As they walked, he glanced around at their surroundings. His eyes widened as he began to recognize things. "Hold on," he said. "Aren't we underneath Shillvaron? This is the worst place we could be right now!"

"No, it's the perfect place," the young man argued. He slowed his pace as they reached a circular clearing in the tunnel passage. "Here we are."

In the center of the clearing was a stone pillar, holding a blackened orb. The large man furrowed his eyebrows. "What is that?" he demanded.

The other man walked up to the orb. "A foolproof plan," he breathed. "What better way to hide than to hide in plain sight?"

His companion drew closer. "What do you mean?"

"You're a leader, Master. You deserve to rule above others. And I know you want revenge on those honest rats Marissa and Brutus."

The other man balled up his fists, feeling a fire burn inside of him. "More than anything," he growled.

Reaching into his cloak, the young man pulled out a leather-covered book. "I can cast a spell that will alter time," he announced, flipping through the pages. "It will give you the power you deserve until it is time to show ourselves again."

The first man laughed, slapping the other's back. "I never doubted you for a minute!" he exclaimed. "You always have a plan up your sleeve!"

The young man grumbled to himself, shrinking away from him. "Yes... I do," he muttered. "Of course, there's always a catch. In order for something this dark to be accomplished, I need energy. Life. And since the Overlord took the Energy Crystal for his own use, I'm going to need something else."

The first man stared at him, excitement tingling inside of him. "What is it that you need?" he questioned.

The young man blinked. "The king and queen."

Dark satisfaction swelled inside of the other. He grinned again and took a step back. "Done," he murmured.

Flames of the Past #4: A Tangle of Lies (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now