Battle For Etril Pt. II

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Well, that was if I was at full strength, my body, like I said, was crumbling down, the wounds weren't healing fast enough for my movements. I teleported again and again, all around the field, shooting blades of blood at the two of them.

Thunder started to crash down on us, crackling against the ground, damaging it, destroying it even more. I made sure to evade those, same with Arthur, he did as well. I think she was trying to time it, well, I knew she was, because as I would teleport, a strike of thunder would crash down somewhere.

My blood blades would shoot past them, then come back to me, and I would just release them again. Arthur god stepped to me, his blade shot upwards, I back stepped, shot a blood blade, teleported, thunder crashed, and I brought my blade up as Cecilia appeared to my side.

Her blade passed by my face, there was a hint of anger and happiness in her eyes, it was like she already knew the outcome of this fight. I could tell her, but I won't, that the outcome she desires will not be happening.

"What's wrong?" She asked, smirking as she swung again and again, but Arthur came in, swinging his blade at Cecilia's neck, giving me a second to gather myself as she backed away. I sent a kick into Arthur's side, and he was knocked back, his eyes darting to me, those golden eyes were filled with anger.

I dodged Cecilia's sword as she slid past me, then Arthur swung his sword at my throat. I deflected it with my blood sword, shook off the flames of destruction as I released parts of the blood sword onto the ground.

I teleported away, conjured a great ball of fire, shot it at the two of them as they fought together, but the rain dimmed it down, and Cecilia conjured a water ball that destroyed it as it travelled. The two of them went at it, thunder crackling all around, I thought Bairon was here for a second since that's the only spell he likes using because he is a moron.

I teleported into them, their blades flying by one another, I slid in, my blade flashed upwards towards Cecilia, and her eyes snapped to me, a mana barrier formed, my blade connected and went away from her.

Arthur was launched away by a gust stream, then Cecilia's blade came for my head, I teleported away just in time, thunder cracked, I teleported again, and thunder cracked again, almost hitting me this time, but I evaded it.

The Wraiths were now in the city, they weren't killing anyone, but they were clearing it, checking for any of my troops I believed, but I never brought any here. I teleported, Cecilia and Arthur followed, landing with me, swinging our swords at one another, trying to kill each other.

I dodged a sword, then another, brought up an ice wall, it broke down as Arthur slammed through it. Cecilia vanished, appearing beside Arthur, I conjured a mana barrier this time between them, protecting Arthur, it was out of habit.

However, this gave Arthur the opportunity to swing his blade through Cecilia's chest, and I watched with wide eyes as he slit her belly open like he did to mine. The destruction flames started to eat away at her flesh, she backed up, and I just stared, Arthur backed up as well, not attacking me, just watching.

I could see Cecilia trying to figure out what to do, they were flames made from destruction, so she couldn't simply use the mana to fix the issue. I spun my sword in my hands as I watched, waiting, and that's when the destruction flames floated away from her.

My eyes widened, she was using aether to manipulate the flames on her, and as they separated from her, they fell to the ground and burnt away. The area on her chest where Arthur cut was badly burnt, the flames of destruction dealt enough damage to leave a mark.

There was silence in the air between us, Cecilia was fine, she wasn't going to be affected by the damage done to her. She didn't cut her flesh out like I did, then maybe she would be in a lot of pain, but for now, she was fine.

We all just looked at one another, then vanished, reappearing in the center, our blades flashing upwards towards one another. I got hit by Cecilia's blade, ducked under Arthur's, closed the wound Cecilia had just made on my shoulder. I kicked Arthur's knee, hyperextending it back, he groveled for a second in pain, but as he adjusted it, a blade of wind from Cecilia shot at my face.

I pushed wind out of my body myself, backing me up, allowing me to dodge the attack. Arthur shot one of his own, realizing that I was no longer holding his core hostage, or exterior mana usage hostage I should say.

I brought up a wind wall, redirecting the wind blade from Arthur up into the sky. Cecilia shot in between us, spinning and shooting a gust of wind at Arthur, it was filled with ice shards all of a sudden, and Arthur was pushed away.

She turned to me, I swung my sword, she dodged it, and as she brought her sword back to me, my momentum took me into it. Arthur wasn't here, his flames of destruction couldn't do anything, so I liquified myself, and as her blade was passing through me, she smirked.

"Game over." She said, and a bolt of thunder came crashing down on me, my eyes widened, knowing what she was trying to do, but I teleported away just in time, and my heart quickened.

"Game over?" I said, shaking my head as Arthur god stepped into Cecilia and the two started going at it alone. She just tried to use thunder to electrocute me while I was in my blood form, that would have fried me, maybe not killed, but damn, I never thought that far. I thought I couldn't be hit by anything, but lightning and thunder would do it.

As the two continued to go at one another, I teleported in, and that's when I noticed Cecilia's blade now crackling with electricity, she was trying to counter my liquid form, which made sense. I used it a lot in the last battle, it seems she was trying to figure out how to defeat me while she was gone.

Arthur's eyes darted to me as I swung my sword at his neck, he dodged, sent his blade to my throat, but I teleported to Cecilia. She swung her blade at my chest, I deflected it, spun and dodged a strike from Arthur, he sent a kick into Cecilia's chest, knocking her away.

I conjured black spikes everywhere, trying to slow everybody's movements, and trying to impale them to end this. I dodged a strike from Arthur as he god stepped around a spike, spun and teleported to where Cecilia was knocked away to, bringing my sword into her side, cutting her slightly, then vanished again, appeared on her other side as she turned my way.

I stabbed her again, but as I was driving my blade into her, thunder cracked, pushing me backwards. I teleported to Arthur's side, swung my sword, he dodged, brought up his own, and I rolled my back, got to my feet and sent a kick towards his stomach.

Cecilia shot into us, my foot went past Arthur, and his fist came into my face, slamming it into me. I felt blood rush out of my nose, and as I stumbled back, Cecilia came in, I teleported out, and Arthur's sword slammed into her sword, forcing her to drop it.

"Enough!" Cecilia shouted as she backed away from my brother and the storm that was brewing came too, now more and more thunder cracked down on us, twisters formed, wind blew harder, the rain drenched us.

'We should get out of here.' Hades told me, and I nodded my head, he was right. I was severely injured, and from what I am sensing, I was going to need my strength, but I couldn't, not yet. 'Veer.'

"The two of you can't do this forever." Cecilia told us, conjuring another sword in her hand as the wounds on her healed up. "I am the Legacy, you two are nothing compared to me." I felt the original wound finally close and heal, my lungs back to normal.

"Well, actually, Legacy, he killed you once." I pointed my sword at Arthur, breathing heavily still, pushing mana and aether into my body, trying to heal the other wounds. "So, umm, that statement, it's kind of incorrect."

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