Scythe Viessa's Return

196 20 11

(Two Weeks Later)

Virion Leywin

I felt my eyes open as I woke up, I was in my room within Taegrin Caelum, and as I adjusted to the lighting, I felt a hand across my chest. It was Selena, she was still asleep, lying naked right beside me with her chest on my side and her arm on top of me.

I slowly grabbed her arm and moved it to the side, so she didn't wake up, and got out of bed very quietly. I grabbed my boxers and put them on, then my long black tights, stretched my back out, then placed my black tight long sleeve on.

'Melzri is already ready.' Hades said as I grabbed my black cloak and pushed mana throughout my body, appearing out in the hallway. 'She's in your living room.' I sent him a mental head nod as I swung my cloak over my shirt.

I ran a hand through my hair, fixing it as well as I could, knowing it was a little messy right now, but there wasn't much that I could do for it without taking a shower. I pushed mana through me once more, and appeared in my living room, which was basically our meeting room.

"Hey, Melzri." I said, yawning slightly as she stood and bowed her head to me. "How are you on this beautiful morning in Alacrya?" I asked, looking at her as I took a seat across from her on the other couch.

It's been a month since I took over, and right now, I have to say, it's pretty fucking awesome. I can pretty much do anything I want, well, that really didn't matter, I did that before anyways. I was in charge, which was cool, that is what mattered to me. I had control over millions of people, and well, my plan worked, so that was good, made me happy.

"I'm good, High Sovereign." She said, and I placed my feet on the table, crossing them slightly as I looked at her. "I'm ready to get Viessa whenever you are ready to go, if you are still allowing me to go with you."

"Of course." I said, waving my hand at her, I didn't even have a plan for this, I was just going to walk in and get her, ask Arthur, and be like give me her or else, that's all I got. I could disguise as a clone and all, but what is the point, they know I'm in charge of Alacrya. "Just give me some time, I also wanted to bring my team of Wraiths."

"What about one of the other Sovereigns?" Melzri asked, she was talking about my children, each one was now responsible for their own Dominion like Agrona and his vritras did, but unlike them, I still had full control. 

"No." I said, shaking my head. "There's no need for them to come, it should not take too long. I'm teleporting to the palace, going to go downstairs in the dungeon, and just teleport out. If someone is there, then I'll deal with it, if not, we'll get in, and get out."

"You think that will happen?" She asked, and I shrugged. "I trust you, whatever you think is best is okay with me." I nodded at her with a smile on my face, and as I did, she asked. "What about our new Retainers?"

"Well, I know you need one, right?" She nodded her head, Mawar was here Retainer, Raven killed her, Retainer Bivrae was also dead, Viessa's Retainer, her like third Retainer, Dragoth's was alive, and no one else's, well, that's not true, Draneeve is alive. "I figured you guys can pick whoever you want, hold meetings or something, I'm sure whoever you choose will meet the requirements."

"Perfect." She responded, nodding her head as she looked at me. "Did you meet Dragoth's Retainer?" I shook my head, I didn't need to see him, a Retainer really of use to me anymore, they were too weak. "Retainer Echeron, he's not that impressive." 

"I figured." I said, then a jolt of energy shot through my body as I prepared myself to leave and possibly see my family. "Alright, let's get going, I want to be back before Selena wakes up and questions where I went."

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