I'm Home

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Sylvie Indrath

I felt my eyes slowly open, and as they did, I noticed that there were figures in front of me. "Sylvie." I heard a familiar voice, and as my eyes readjusted, I could see who said it. "Sylvie, are you okay?" He repeated as he looked at me, I could only feel a smile form on my face.

"Arthur." I said, looking at my bond, the person who had raised me since birth. "I-I'm alive?" I could hear the confused tone of my own voice, and at those words, the people in the room gave me a worried expression, but it went away as Arthur hugged me.

"I'm so glad you came back." He said into my ear as he continued to hug. "I'll explain everything, I think I know what happened, but I'm just so happy to see you, I hope you know that. It's been so long, and I couldn't stand it."

"What do you mean?" I asked, and as he backed away, noticed his change in appearance. "You look like me?" I said with a questionable tone. "Why?" Arthur looked over at Tessia who was on the other side of the bed with El, Alice and Reynolds were at the foot of my bed, and finally, Helen Shard was on the couch.

"Sylvie, a lot has gone down." He told me as he backed away, but before he could say anything else, or I could, Tessia came over to me, her eyes full of tears, but that wasn't what caught my eye, it was her stomach, she was pregnant.

"Sylvie." Tessia hugged me, and I just embraced it, I could only assume it was Arthur's baby, which confused me even more. "It's so good to see you again." She said, backing away, then Ellie came over and hugged me.

"I missed you." She said, and then after she hugged me, I shot a smile towards Alice and Reynolds, they just smiled back, then I turned to Arthur, wanting to know more about what was going on, and why I was in this bed for some reason.

"Arthur, what's going on?" I asked, rubbing the top of my head, it was somewhat hurting. "I don't, I don't remember how I got here." He sat down near my legs on the bed, looking at me with a worried, yet calm expression.

"What is the last thing you remember?" Arthur asked, and I thought back. "I need to know before I tell you anything else." He seemed different, but I couldn't put a finger on why I thought so, and I wasn't talking about his appearance.

"Umm, waking up in Taegrin Caelum with Veer, he told me that I was under Agrona's spell for a couple of months, then I fell asleep." I paused, thinking back, Veer didn't tell me anything else, I only remember hearing that I was a slave to my own father, and then I was out cold. "I woke up here, it's so weird, I don't know how."

"I do." Arthur shook his head, seeming to be upset about something. "It appears Veer wiped your mind of the time you spent with him over the last couple of hours, same with Seris, she woke up not remember how she left Sehz-Clar."

"Veer?" I said, thinking about it, he has the ability to wipe, no, he's right. "I do remember a conversation I had with him." I looked at Arthur, now thinking about Veer slightly. "He said if I chose to leave him, he would wipe my memory of everything he told me about his plan."

"Regis." Arthur said, and a purple wolf jumped out of his chest, making me flinch, who the hell was this. "Oh, Sylvie, I guess you two haven't really met, this is my weapo, no, my bond, he's been with since you were gone."

"It's nice to meet you, Sylvie." Regis said, looking at me with a smile on his wolf like appearance. "Mind me jumping into your core so I can see if I can retrieve any of those memories?" A new bond, I don't know how I should feel about that, but I guess I do feel thankful.

"It's nice to meet you, Regis, and I am thankful that you watched over Arthur while I was gone." I told him, then I motioned for him to do his thing as he smiled at me. He faded into my chest, and I felt a weird feeling, but ignored it. "So, he'll be able to see the memories?"

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