"Hiii," my energetic wave was accompanied by a pitched greeting. Having already said everything I planned to, I turned and walked off. I already hated this day. Should have just gone back and napped.

"I met a very pale, very upset red headed rapist," toneless words caught up to me but didn't register immediately and I kept walking. Then they did and angry annoyance flared up.

"He's not... What?" Was all I managed as I turned on my heel and stared, unable to hope.

"Had you not gone into hiding yesterday, I would have told you sooner," Priest explained crossing his arms and staring. He was being accusatory, then.

"Had you had more than two expressions, I may have gotten clearer clue," I retorted.

"Two?" he asked seeming almost intrigued, but I didn't feel like cracking pooping jokes all of a sudden. If they met it had to be after I was taken.

"When?" I asked, clenching my fingers to stop them from shaking.

"Earlier yesterday. He handed me a bag of supplies and promised me more if I knew anything about your whereabouts," tired-looking man in charge recounted in complete monotone. "Thanks for the supplies, by the way."

I fell onto my knees, muttering, "He's alive?"

"Barely," Priest said impassively and an image popped into my head of forlorn redhead forcing himself to move through the pain and bleeding stitches to find a way out. He was always so unstoppably stubborn. I had to get back before he hurt himself more, because he would.

"I... need to go," I muttered to nobody in particular and scrambled up to stumble in a vague direction of the city, cutting though someone's yard. I would jack a car, but I couldn't drive. I needed to move anyway. Physically do something about this.

"You plan on walking," deadpan tone ridiculed my choices from several steps away. "You smell like us now but you're not a mouth, are you?"

I glanced over my shoulder, astounded by proclamation. Thank fuck for the little miracles. "Now why would you say something so hurtful?"

Priest stared at me and I turned away. It was too piercing to bear. The demon would probably don this exact vast emptiness on his face if it was ever revealed.

"Scent can only do so much. There has to be intelligence to be warned off by it, or a nose to catch it in first place. You won't make far," I was quietly informed.

"No, you stink!" I pointed at him indignantly and worriedly glanced towards the church and outdoorsy amenities.

Soundlessly following man kept talking, "Parts of your body have been replaced. That's not gonna wash off."

I grit my restored teeth and squeezed fists, stopping hands from rubbing together to reassure myself they were really mine. "Why do you care anyway?" I hissed at him.

"Chance are he'll follow you to make sure you live and I might need help with the interlopers," man in charge admitted solemnly.

"Didn't you get them already? What was with all the noise whole morning?" The distant crackle of gunfire on full auto roused me irrevocably, and the bastards didn't even have decency to be all dead. Rude.

Priest's eyes kept boring into my soul as he spoke, "Something else has found them. Since they don't need to pretend they aren't here anymore, I expect some progress today. So if you pipe down and wait a bit, I'll drive you back myself."

"Ugh, why didn't you just go in and kill them days ago?" I muttered, annoyed about this inconvenience. There was about zero chance they were here on peace mission.

"Because there're a lot of machine guns and I'd need to gorge incessantly to replace what I lose," he informed me unenthusiastically. That was a lot of information and I wondered if townspeople who badgered him got this exact answer or was I privy to family secrets now.

I shrugged and whispered conspiratorially, "I prefer to slack off 'til the last minute, too."

"Your rapist buddy will be fine. He had horde of kids and women telling him to sit down," Priest looked off into the direction city was at, too.

"Not like he listens," I muttered and scowled in remembrance of his words. "You call him that again and you'll wake up to nasty surprises in your boots."

"Terrifying," his dead fish stare landed back on me. It would be, I silently pledged. I was of no use in a brawl, but I'd teach this oddball the horror of anticipation. "They ran out of other brands at the fair?" the intense man asked coarsely and I stared back at the local overlord. He had to be shrewd to deserve the position and likely was much older than he looked. Priest knew when he saw a killer. Was that astute man's way of being placating? Such a wise elder.

"Something like that," I muttered, boxing up my ideas of being minor menace. For now. "I'll be around," I promised vaguely and walked off, away from the shortcut towards wilderness.

Mad God's Love [Dark, enemies-to-lovers BL]Where stories live. Discover now