"So how young is too young? How do your usual lunches compare to you and each other? Or humans."

"Humans are my usual lunch," demon growled out and now I was sure he had an agenda to ruin my fun. Or perhaps he didn't enjoy an audience? Or did, but had other ideas of entertainment? He was posing as god to these people, incidentally or not. Had an image to uphold or whatever. Looks like my new goal in life will be to ruin that!

Before I could get to business, mean-faced man returned with a raggedy coat, which he also vindictively dragged through the mud. Which was fine by me, since I was the least fussy orphan in our corner of town. Which apparently wasn't cute anymore in a grown-ass man, in Cherry's opinion. Vanquishing chill that threatened to settle over my heart with a massive smile, I grabbed at the garb and tucked myself in. Finally, some warmth! No more huddling with an ancient terror for basic survival.

Priest trailed just behind the big surly. Demon spoke before he could be greeted, "There is a group of thirty eight humans just outside of your domain. Two – very close, very quiet."

Dead-eyed battle monk nodded slowly, "They got here yesterday. I'm waiting on their move."

That was bad news, no matter which way sliced. Nobody just showed up to lurk at your doorstep with good intentions. They had to be well-armed to just camp among the trees too.

All of that sounded terrific, so I gave the crowd thumbs up and made myself scarce. Priest's intense stare probably attempted to keep me nailed to the ground, but I was a free spirit. Or at least I was going to pretend so for as long as I can get away with it.

As the scary-looking mob began discussing unpleasantries on their doorstep, I was thrilled to avoid it completely. Especially since I was familiar with the layout this time around and didn't need any help getting around. First order of business! Warm bath.

Scenery was plainly idyllic. The old opulent building stood majestic to one side, the river sloshed down the hill on its merry way. It was still relatively early in the day, so nobody else was washing up. Some carpenter with two right arms put up the shower stalls, benches and even saunas skilfully. Everything was beautiful and not least bit crooked. Great communal recreation area, even if I didn't see joining the local crowd.

Most of the city had just cold running water, which was frankly miracle enough. The house we unlawfully occupied had even that turned off. We found workarounds, but it was still tedious and not least bit pleasant undergoing. Especially on occasions when officials bothered to check if anybody was stealing their shit. Long story short, I was ecstatic to take a dip in a heated river water. I was okay at kindling a fire, so it didn't even take long. Several cranks of a lever and I jumped right in onto the wooden rack inside the metal bathtub without bothering to undo the straps. They were hardly in the way, anyway.

After finally warming up my cold bones, felt an intense hunger. My body was starting to relax. The bunch of tiny wild pears I'd picked up for breakfast were hardly satisfying. Much less so than the instance of annoying demon to go back and get them.

I could take a casual stroll through their vegetable patch, but I saw myself being watched by several scowls already. It would be an easily provoked fun, but for once I just didn't feel like it. I was too damn tired. And fortunately for everyone who would be involved, going on empty was the standard for me. I took a couple of turns in the small town and ducked away from view into someone's beloved rose bushes to nap in the waning sun.

When I woke up the stars were twinkling. My back was frozen over again because of the cool earth. Bad choices on my part again, but nothing new there either. As I sat up, found blanket draped on top of myself.

Mad God's Love [Dark, enemies-to-lovers BL]Where stories live. Discover now