Chapter 34 | Part 2

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⋰ Elsie⋰

Eventually, the skatepark being lit doesn't go unnoticed. And of course, no skater worthy of the name would miss the occasion of doing what they love in such special circumstances.

Being disturbed was bound to happen, and when the first two guys appear with BMXs, politely saying hi and obviously cheerful, I'm not bothered at all. I'm actually happy to see I'm not the only one able to enjoy the incredible feeling. Though, by the way Tim immediately tenses next to me, I can definitely tell he doesn't share my point of view.

I chuckle at his annoyed face and just stand up from the edge of the bowl, grabbing his hand. He lets me, looking at my hand and narrowing his eyes when he realizes I'm trying to tug him toward the bench. He gives me a pointed look, like there is no way we're the ones moving.

I try with my whole weight but the heavy thing doesn't bulge. "C'mon, grumpy bear. They didn't ask us to move, we're just being decent."

He doesn't answer for a second, glowering a little. And finally, as I pick up our bags from the floor and walk toward the bench, he joins me, settling back next to me and pressing a begrudging kiss to my forehead. Yet, even if he grumbles something about them not being the ones paying the electricity, I know that if his mood soured, it was only for a second.

The riders don't matter, this is too peaceful. Talking quietly with each other, laughing, as I watch the tricks and he continues running his pencil on paper, is too peaceful.

A possessive arm slips around my waist, getting me closer to him, settling me into his warmth.

"What date is it?" I frown after a while, checking my phone before counting on my fingers. I'm trying to remember if we're in a leap year. February 27th. "Isn't your birthday in... six days?!" I ask, my eyes widening. How come it didn't cross my mind before? I absolutely suck at birth dates but still.

I see him make the math before the corner of his lips tugs up. "You're right, I hadn't thought of it." He stops drawing, his hand running over my thigh. I know there's that glint in his eyes before he even looks at me, a smirk on his lips I can't tell is sexual or not. "Though now I'm glad I'm coming back on Thursday. I might have something in mind. Do you have any exams the following day?"

I take a moment to think about it, smiling as the moon, which was hidden by a cloud, becomes visible again. "I... do. Computer science for three hours and math for four. But I'll know everything by then, I only have a few things left to reread so it's totally fine." I explain happily. There is this thing on algorithms I have to revise but apart from that, everything should be okay.

He just hums, changing the type of pencil he's using. I didn't even know there were different types of pencil.


"Any hint?" I try, even if I know I haven't got many chances. He shakes his head. "C'mon, it's your birthday." I push. "You're not the one supposed to make surprises!"


"Mean." I frown, which just makes him scoff.

Six days... That's how much time I have to get him a good gift. I take out my phone, sending a quick text to Alix, and start slowly going through the ideas in my head.

I quickly find myself grinning, happy with myself. There aren't many possibilities anyway, but I think I might have something.

I set my head on his shoulder then squint, spotting three figures with a skateboard and a scooter walking toward the skatepark and... suddenly recognizing Lance. The guy who does hardflips as effortlessly as he breathes. And which is a bit socially awkward, too.

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