Slumber Party

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"We need to go shopping," Becca says, yanking my frumpiest sweatshirt off the hanger and holding it in front of her. "Colette?"

"It's cute," Liliana says, giving me a sweet smile. I never thought I'd go from being tempted to let Becca fight her to inviting her to sleep over at my house. My mom was so excited when we came home. She even smiled at Gabe when he lifted a heavy package left at the door and carried it inside for her.

"It's not cute," I say. "But to be fair, I got it when I was on vacation with my parents. I liked it, and they didn't have a smaller size. My dad joked I'd grow into it."

Becca turns the sweatshirt, squinting at the faded writing. "Is it a wolf?"

"Yes. We went to Yellowstone."

"The show?" Becca frowns, then smiles. "Oh, wow. Did you meet—"

Laughing, Liliana takes the sweatshirt from Becca. "Yellowstone, the national park! Not the show." She smiles, holding it up to see the design. "It looks comfy."

Loud masculine laughs tear through the air.

I grin and stand, dragging Liliana with me to the window. We stare into Gabe's room and see them playing an intense video game. I don't know the name, but it's a popular war game that can be played online. I've never caught Gabe playing, but I guess he's just a regular boy when he gets another boy close.

"We should sneak over tonight and prank them," Becca whispers.

"I always fall asleep before Gabe when he has someone over," I say. "Yes, don't even ask. I have fallen asleep to the sound of him fucking someone. My dream self is a little slut. She swapped us in for whoever he was banging."

"That's awful." Liliana frowns, turning back to Gabe when he laughs at something. "He should suffer for doing that to you. He liked you. He's seriously talked about you since he moved here. Roman kept busting his balls about being afraid to go for you, but to like you and fuck someone and let you hear, that's crazy."

"Um," Becca said, looking between us nervously. My heart feels like it's just been punched.

"Oh, gosh." Liliana covers her mouth. "Ignore me. I have no filter sometimes. I'm projecting. I had to see some of the girls Roman had been with for the first year we were together—when he was still in school. Just knowing that they knew how his lips felt, his body." She squeezes her eyes shut. "I wanted to die and murder at the same time."

"Yeah," I say. "I think I'm dissociating or something whenever it comes close to coming up. I mean, it's not like I can be mad, right? He'd tried to approach me, and I ran. I can't be weird that he didn't wait around. But I'm definitely not thrilled about what he's done."

Becca butts in. "But if he never hooked up, he'd be inexperienced. So they got the trainee version. You're getting the seasoned pro."

I don't comment that Gabe never sounded like a trainee.

"Honestly, that's a good way to look at it," Liliana says. "I'd only had sex with my boyfriend a few times. Roman was younger, but he was hooking up and learning. When we were finally together, I expected the same boring sex my ex gave me. Let me tell you, I was ready to worship Roman after we had sex. I felt like a mortal taken by a god." She fans her flushed cheeks. "So don't listen to me. I'm just insecure sometimes. Gabe likes you, and he's going to give more than he gave them."

I smile, focusing on Gabe's back, which is all I can see from where he sits. He had been protective at the game, keeping a hand on me at all times, except when I went to the restroom with Becca and Liliana. Even then, he and Roman waited outside.

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