Mama Was Right

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**Extra update. I hope whoever commented they had a bad week has a wonderful weekend. Remember, bad things happen all the time that we can't control. But you can control how you go forward—how you cope—and how much you let it bring you down. It might not improve whatever is wrong, but it will be the best you can do for you and sometimes those around you in the long run. I wrote a whole bunch of notes to myself when I wanted to make things worse for myself. I'm so glad that I only wrote them down and then chose to do something better than what I felt in those moments. Hang in there.♥️

I never thought I'd be grateful that Becca was brought into this world, but I am.

"Oh, piss off," she snaps at someone I don't even know, who decided it would be funny to ask me where Gabe was and why I didn't ride with him to school this morning. Some people open their mouths when they can keep their fucking thoughts to themselves.

"Ignore them," I say, stumbling away because my body is weak even though I slept through the night and almost didn't wake up in time for school.

Becca catches up to me, hooking an arm with mine. "We'll go off campus for lunch, okay?"

I don't argue and let her guide me to the parking lot.

She's been acting a little weird, and I feel bad for being like this. I never thought I'd get this way over a guy. I didn't even react like this when the first guy sexually assaulted me. After being with Gabe and seeing how he had been careful about asking to touch, I know now that the first guy sexually assaulted me. Yet I was dumb enough to believe River for a few moments.

"Are you sure you don't want to call him?" she asks for the fifth time.

"I'm sure." I smile sadly at her, ridding my mind of those bad thoughts. "Thanks for staying until my dad got me, by the way. I'm sorry I panicked."

She shifts her eyes away and doesn't say anything, but I leave her be. She didn't sign up to be my caretaker or emotional support.

We wind up at one of the less popular burger joints to eat, and I munch on tasteless fries but nod when Becca says it's the best greasy food for heartbreak. The place isn't that big, but the layout is unique enough that you don't have to run into anyone if you don't want to.

"Oh, shit," Becca whispers, dropping her fry. "Don't turn around."

Of course I do the exact opposite. My stomach twists as I notice what she has: Gabe enters the cafe with a cute brunette on his arm. I have no idea who she is, but she's gorgeous. He's frowning angrily, but she smiles and hugs his arm tightly, saying something that makes him stare at her.

"Colette, look away," Becca hisses.

I can't. I watch as he finally smiles and wraps an arm around her, dropping a kiss on her head as they walk in the other direction.

"Colette," Becca whispers, touching my hand. "Hey, it's okay."

Slowly, I turn to face her. I don't cry, but my eyes and throat burn. Still, I put on a brave face and chew another fry. It tastes like cardboard, but I swallow it to encourage Becca to eat. I don't want her to feel bad for choosing this place for us.

"Excuse me," a soft voice says behind me, "do you know where the restroom is around here?"

The glare on Becca's face tells me immediately who it is. Her mouth opens, surely to cuss the girl out, so I turn to her first and point at the hidden opening. I lock eyes with her; she's prettier up close. "It's just over there."

She smiles but quickly frowns at me. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

"No," Becca blurts, grabbing our tray and standing. "Excuse us. We have to go."

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