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"You are fucking kidding me, right?" Becca shoves my shoulder, a shocked smile on the corner of her mouth. "He woke you up kissing down your body? And you stupidly jerked awake right when he got to your panties?"

"Hush." I try to slink away from her, but she's cornered me in the hall. "Keep your voice down."

Rolling her eyes, she says, "Tell me you are not this stupid, Colette? You have read as many dirty books as I have, and the ones you've told me are your favorite involve somnophilia. It's your kink, and you interrupted him?"

"We've only been together for a week," I whisper. Gabe and I started off fast, but I wonder if I should follow a timeframe. One person or another has intruded on our whole week, making it impossible to do anything anyway, but I know Gabe wants more. I want more.

Every morning, Gabe meets me at his car or bike to take me to school. He spends every second he can by my side until we get to class. He scared the girl who sat beside him in Mrs. Anderson's class to make her sit somewhere else so I could have her desk. I should've told him to be nice, but I'm a fool and like when he's a jerk to others. But besides lunch, we've only been alone for our car rides.

It wouldn't surprise me to learn that my mom and Anna got together after all and decided to cock block Gabe because the day after we announced we were together, both were home by the time we got out of school. We tried to go to my house for a little while, but Mom was her usual bitchy self. She even told Gabe he could go to his house if he needed to use the bathroom.

Anna was no better with her rule of keeping the door open. Gabe said he didn't care if she saw him kiss me, but his kisses are hard to keep short and sweet. The second day at his house, she walked in to see me beneath Gabe as he ravaged me. Now we have to stay in the sitting area or study. On top of that, we both had major homework assignments, and I had to make up for the lessons I had missed. I wasn't in the mood to go out anywhere either with my black eyes. I didn't even want to imagine what strangers would think of Gabe if they saw me.

"But you told him about it being a fantasy," she argues, pulling me back to the conversation I don't want to have. "And he told you it's his fantasy, too."

"Stop talking so loud. I don't feel like dealing with rumors." Honestly, I'm sort of glad Becca intrudes on my privacy. I don't think I'd share so much if she didn't pry. It's been nice to have her waiting every day to ambush me for lunch, passing periods, and before school. Gabe gets frustrated that he doesn't get me alone at lunch, but he hasn't forbidden her from tagging along with us yet.

"Please," she says with a frustrated growl. "There are already rumors he fucked you in the locker rooms because someone saw you two walking out of the gym together."

"I had gym class and he waited for me." I lean against the wall. "I never should've told you."

"No," she says, folding her arms, "you shouldn't have told me then run off to class before I could get the full scoop. You can't leave me hanging. Next time, play asleep and let him suck your soul out through your pussy."

A throat clears loudly to my left. Becca and I twist around, eyes wide, at the sight of Mr. Juarez.

A wicked gleam flashes in his eyes, but he tries to act casual. "Ladies, might I ask why you are lingering in the halls when class started two minutes ago?"

"What?" I look around, finally noticing that Becca and I are the only people in the hall besides him.

His eyes shift between the two of us. "I suggest you both get to class and perhaps continue the topic you were discussing in private."

Becca's face is utterly red. "I just. We were. Sorry, sir. Um, we'll be on our way."

The right corner of his mouth tugs up as she tries to calm herself, and he focuses on me. "I would also suggest you educate yourself on consent and discuss your boundaries with my nephew before unconscious, soul-sucking activities commence. Never allow a man to have his way with you unless you've given him permission. Communication is important. That goes for you as well, Becca. You say when. And please don't pressure someone into something they're uncomfortable with."

The Bad Boy Kissed Me *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now