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This will likely be divided into two chapters and expanded on both, but I wanted to give you both. I'm taking the weekend to relax. I hope you have a good one, too.

The inside of the Charger rumbles as it skids around a sharp turn. I know the turn well. Earlier this year, I went with Pedro to the crash site and rode the route his sister had taken. We'd avoided it together, but the anniversary of her death and we wanted to be closer to her on that day.

I'm confused and panicked because my hands are gripping the steering wheel and trying to correct the skid.

My heart sprints, and I know I overcorrected. The car lifts on two wheels and it flips. My body bangs around, and I smack my face on the steering wheel half a second before the airbag deploys. I barely hear my scream through the sound of metal on metal before my body feels weightless.

Then suddenly the most brutal jolt that makes me scream from pain and terror. The impact on the water is louder than thunder. I struggle to stay conscious and press my thumb to release the seat belt. It won't unbuckle. Water spills through the busted windows, and I'm submerged in no time.

My lungs burn, and the world's getting even darker. I try and try to get free, but the car is mangled, and my buckle is stuck.

Just as I lose my breath and suck in water instead of air, I gasp. My eyes fly open, and I stare above me, not recognizing the room.

Tears spill from my eyes, and I try to calm down. I'm not drowning. I wasn't there that night. I don't even drive. I'm with Gabe.

I look over and spot his sleeping figure on the sofa. Part of me is glad I didn't wake him, but the panic won't lessen. I haven't dreamed about Odette in a while, and I have never dreamed about the wreck that way. I've only ever dreamed of watching Odette go off the bridge and trying to scream, though no sound leaves my mouth, nor does my body move when I urge it to save her.

This was terrifying in a different way. I was there.

I was going to die.

I know how scared she was.

She knew she was going to die.

My eyes burn, but I rub them and sit up. I'm slightly sweaty and shaking uncontrollably.

Gabe still doesn't move. I shove at my twisted pajama bottoms, crying loudly because my shaking hands won't cooperate. She couldn't get out. I couldn't get out. The belt won't come off. The water. I'm stuck. The belt.

I can't get out. It's stuck. I'm stuck.

I gasp, fighting with the belt, barely able to see through my tears. It makes the world dark and watery, and I'm gasping even more. I can't breathe. I can't breathe.

"Shh." Warm hands grab mine, and I'm lifted, my head pressed against a strong chest. "Shh. You're okay. I'm with you. You're okay."

I keep gulping. I keep struggling to get free. I can't breathe.

"Colette!" It's Gabe's violent tone. He's never used it on me, but it snaps my eyes open, and I pause, blinking over and over. "There you go. Just like that. I've got you."

The air finally reaches my lungs, and I gasp, trying to suck in more then resume my efforts to get free. "The belt! Get it off! Get it off!"

"What?" The hands fall from my head, and I'm freed enough to shove at the belt. My cries hurt my chest. I'm going to suck in the water. I can't hold my breath anymore.

"I can't get it off!"

I'm suddenly thrown on my back, and strong hands grip the belt and tug it off with ease. I cry. I'm going to make it. I just have to get out.

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