Chapter 2: Extraordinary Passion

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She has always considered herself as a liability to others. She has never thought that she is also an important person. She could ask for her rights. But her childhood in slum and also those hostel days made her to feel like an inferior person. She always considered that she never deserves a priority. She is just a tertiary option in this world.

Only her di has treated her with care. She missed her so much but at the same time she knows how much it will be a danger to contact her. She stays in the same city where the devil lives. In the last phone call Pari told her that he is taking the throne. From that moment they have stopped contacting each other.

"Are you even listening? Now listen to won't attend the meeting...I don't want any bad impression in front of Nawab leave.."

Dr. Kulkarni showed her the way out. Tara left the lab slowly. She wiped her tears after coming out. How she will pay the rent now? She bites her lip to suppress her sob.

Suddenly she found three cars entering through the gate of their hospital.

The Nawab is coming.

She instantly walked through the balcony. She can't stay. Dr. Kulkarni has told her to leave. She locked herself in the bathroom. She will come out after the meeting.


She came out after an hour. Probably the meeting is over now. She reached in the conference hall to collect some files. She was shocked to see the gathering of the doctors and interns. Everyone is looking so tensed.

"Have I done any mistake? Why Nawab Saab fired me suddenly? The water slipped from my hand by mistake...I didn't do it deliberately..."

Dr. Kulkarni said.

Tara's eyes got widened.

"I'm also thinking the same..and why Nawab Saab has attended the meeting online? Why didn't come by himself?"

Dr. Nidhi said.

"It's better that he didn't come...he is so scary..have you seen his eyes? I heard our rail minister pissed on his pant in the last meeting"

Dr. Sharma said.

"That could be a rumour Dr. Sharma..but I can't deny that he is really intimidating"

Dr. Nidhi said.

"And very sexy too...."

One of the girl interns, named Tamara said. Dr. Nidhi instantly glared at her.

"I'm sorry mam... actually he is very handsome"

"You are standing in front of your seniors..."

Dr. Kulkarni scolded Tamara.

"Sorry Sir..."

Tamara apologised.

"What should I do now? He just fired me"

Dr. Kulkarni was looking so helpless.

"Don't worry Dr. Kulkarni...I will go and meet him...I will talk to him..."

Dr. Nidhi said.

"Mam, can I come with you?"

Tamara said eagerly.


Suddenly Nidhi's eyes fell on Tara.

"Tara, you will come with me..."

Tara's eyes got widened. She looked at Dr. Kulkarni in fear.

"What she will do there? Nawab Saab will get angry because this girl is too clumsy....she has broken the medicine box today...."

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