Part 17 - Better than ever

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^^^Just got this picture made ^^^ 

I don't know just makes me even more obsessed 


(It's btw made by AI)


Y/n's POV

I woke up at the hospital again, and again I wasn't alone. But this time it was Draco who was here.

"Dray?!?" I said happily.

"Princess" He said "I'm so happy you're awake, I got to know last night that you woke up yesterday. I'm so happy" I leaned in and kissed him.

"So am I" I smiled.

I wanted to talk to him about so many things, but I couldn't find the words. I looked up at his pretty blue eyes. They're just so pretty. I studied his face, it was so pretty, I felt ugly by standing at his side. It was like he made me ugly.

"You are so pretty" Draco said and looked at me, it was like he could read my thoughts. 

He took my hand and got me up from my bed. Then he kissed me, it had been a long time since I have been standing up, so it was a bit hard. He pushed me gently up the wall and we began making out. 

"I missed you so much" Draco said "I all ways" He smirked and winked. I began blushing, but then I to doubt it, was the only loving me to fuck me? Even though we have been together for almost 3 years. I can't do anything other than doubt it.

"Draco..." I asked.

"Yes Love?"

"It's just..." I felt stupid "I-I know this is just as weird as always but, I..uhm..." I couldn't find the right words.

"Just tell me" He said and his lips brushed against mine.

"Ehm...I know I sound stupid but-but it's just all this fucking. Like it's just like we are just together to fuck. At the moment it's always, 'do you come to my dorm tonight?' and it's always the same" I stopped talking for a moment "It's not that I don't like it but, I remember last said something really clever. You said 'Why can't we just be us?' That's what I want to ask you now. Why can't we just be us? Go on dates? Talk at night? Why are we gonna fuck all the time?" I felt released, I said what I said. I'm free from my thoughts. About fucking, about all this.

"I have actually been thinking about the same thing...But I thought you would be mad if I said something like that, or hurt, or thinking that I don't love you anymore. But I do. Okay? I love you very much. I will love you to the very end. Okay?" Draco said, then he kissed me before I could even answer. 

"Okay" I said under my breath and he spun me around in a pirouette. Then he helped me back to bed. It was perfect timing, because right after he laid me down, Harry, Ron and Hermione came in. 

"Hello Y/n/n" Hermione said. It was the first time she had called me by my last name "Can we get to talk to you?" She casted a sidelong glance at Draco. I looked at Draco to and he nodded and left. 

"So uhm...Sirius Black has been breaking in the school again. But this time he stood over me. WITH A KNIFE!" Ron said. I was stunned. 

"What?" Was the only thing I could say.


Y/n's POV

I'm back at school, but everything's just so... It hasn't been a long time since the last time I was at school. But what the fuck. I talked to Hermione and Ron YESTERDAY and now they hate each other, because Hermione's cat should have eaten Ron's rat. And Harry just doesn't do anything about it, and just goes on Ron's side. It's really hard for Hermione, she ain't herself.
I walk up to the astronomy tower. It's an old habit now. When I came up there I was all alone, I hadn't talked to anyone other than Hermione, Ron and Harry. Not even Draco. So I hope he's here, but I'm all alone. Just my luck. I see something laying at the edge of the tower. A pack of cigarettes. I've only smoked a few times before and I haven't even smoked since I started at Hogwarts. I picked it up. Two cigarettes left. I light it up and let the smoke fill my lungs before blowing it out. It's only one drag, but I feel bad by doing it already. But I don't care right now, I'm just smoking the first one till there's no more and throwing it out of the side of the tower, like it had never happened. I feel better but I shouldn't have done it. I know that.  I take the next one and hear a sound. I'm scared if it's one of my teachers or MY DAD. I hide my cigarette and turn around. I see Draco. He goes over to me, doesn't say anything, but he rips my hand from behind my back and takes the cigarette to his mouth and starts smoking. He takes a hould and blows the air out in my face. God he looked so damn sexy when he smokes. 

"Where did you find those?" Draco asked. 

"In the corner" I answered. Did he just smoke or what?

"Thank love i lost those last week" He said.

"Was those yours?" I ask embarrassed "Sorry I smoked the two last of them"

"Yes, when did you start smoking?" 

"Normally I do not smoke. But I have tried it a couple times. People here on hogwarts, when I was younger, had offered me one. So I don't really remember when. But a couple years ago I think" 

"Alright, actually would you like going on a date?" He looked at me "It's been a long time since the last time?"

"Yes, I'd love to"


Thanks everyone

And btw don't smoke

Smoke kills

I have btw never smoked before and I don't want to


Bye for now and remember to vote and comment 💗

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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