Part 5 - talking

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Y/n's POV

Dad had dragged me into a corridor.

"Are you okay y/n?" Dad said curious "didn't the dementor came into you guys compartment?"

"Dad..." I sighed "I'm okay, I made my patronus. And you don't need to look after me like you did ages ago"

"Y/n" dad said "the most important thing for me is that your okay. And if you're hurt I'm going to keep an eye on you. And even if you think you need it or not"

"Dad, I don't need it help. My life is completely fine right now"

"That's not what professor Lupin said" dad said looking suspicious at me "what you was thinking of wasn't happy. I know that" He gave me a hug "I know your life is a mess but I also know you can do it. There's something I never have told you..."

"What?" I asked.

"Your predicted the most powerful witch in this world. But you need to be careful. You are still just a kid. And I love you and will never loose you, okay?"

"Dad..." I said shocked I knew there was something but not what "why me? My life is a mess, I'm a mess. I can't....I..." Why should this be my life. I'm a fucking mess. My life is trash and I can't...I just can't. I'm happy dad can't read minds because then he would probably keep a really, really, really close eye on me.

"You are. Sorry if it came as a shock, so I wanna ask you a question"


"What extra lessons are you taking this year?" He gave me a little smile.

"All my lessons are the normal lessons plus Ancient Runes and care of magical creatures." I smiled.

"Good, you have taking some of the good lessons" he said and gave me a smile "now go to the great hall"

"But dad, everyone is going to stare at me" I sighed.

"You can do it" he said and gave me a little smile.

I began to walk. I could use my spell so I could be invisible. I think it's a good idea. I stood outside the great hall. I casted the spell and walked in. The door opened and people looked but they could she me. There was whispering. Dad already sat down at the table. How was he doing that? I sat down by Hermione and did myself visible again. She looked at me and gave a little hop.

"Omg, how did you do that. How did you come in here"

"I'm just good at that stoff" I said and smirked.

The food was already on the plates, so I began to ate.

"Hagrid is the new teacher in care of magical creatures" Hermione said.

"That's great" I said and smiled.

"But where have you been?" Harry asked.

"She have probably hanged out with Draco" Ron said and smirked.

"Dad would talk to me" I said and ignored Ron "exactly as I said, and he actually told me's a little...hmm... shocking I think"

"What?" Harry, Ron and Hermione said at once.

"Dad told me I'm predicted the most powerful witch in this world. But my life is a fucking mess. Why the hell is it me" I threw my head down into the table "I can't this. I'm not that powerful"

"You are y/n" Harry said "you are one of the best in our year. Your perfect. And even if your life is a mess are you still powerful"

I shook my head.

"It's not like lie" Ron said.

"You have made a patronus, don't think you aren't powerful" Hermione said and gave me a hug.

"You guys are some fantastic people" I said and gave them a little smile "it's know that I'm powerful is just...not that...I don't know what to do. I don't know if it's laying a press on me or not"

"You can do it anyway" Hermione said and gave me a smile.

"Probably..." I sighed.

We ate and went to Gryffindor's common room. I felt bad. I didn't know what to think. I have been so much in my own world the last couple hours that I haven't even talked to Draco since on the train.

I founded my ring and tapped it two times.

"Hi love" Draco said.

"Hey..." I sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked and then I told him everything there had happened. And how I felt about it "but that's pretty cool" he said "I would like to be the most powerful wizard in this world"

"You don't understand" I sighed "I don't want to be. My life is a mess, I can't know. A powerful witch or wizard must not try to kill themselves every other second"

"Are you still on that kind of thoughts?" Draco asked quietly "even when you were with me?"

"Sorry dray" I said and looked down "I am, but when I were with you I only thought that one time. And that was when we... talked before we came to the train station"

"Y/n" Draco said "I don't wanna lose you"

"Why are everyone saying that?" I sighed "I can't do anything about my thoughts and my life. I wish I could, but that easy is it not"

"As long your safe" Draco said "Love you"

"Love you too" I said and Draco disappeared.

"I wish I could be with you forever Draco" I wispered to the air were Draco stood before.
I don't have that much to say about my story, but there's another story there's coming out the first may 2023.

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Sorry for grammatical fails

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