Part 7 - A Bogart

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Y/n's POV

I have been with Draco so much, and I feel so bad. I just know it's my fault. Even if he wanna say so or not. But today is the first day with DADA, and I'm pretty excited for what shall. Professor Lupin looks like a really good teacher. I walked down to breakfast and sat by Draco. I know we're at two different houses but well...I don't really care.

"Did you sleep well?" Draco asked.

"Yeah, not bad" I yawned "what about you?"

"Just fine. But yeah, my arm hurt the hole night so..." Draco said.

"Yeah, and it's my fault" I sighed.

"It's not your fault y/n! And even if it was I wouldn't judge you!" Draco sounded irritated and I sighed "princess?"


"I love you" he said and kissed me, I don't care if he kisses me in public, even if people thinks it's weird.

"I love you too" I said and leaned my head on his shoulder. I was actually really tired, so I was really close to fall asleep on him.

"Darling?" Draco said after ten minutes.

"What?" I yawned.

"Are you sure you sleept enough?"

"I don't know" I said tired.

"I think it's best if we just go to DADA" Draco said sweetly.

"Yeah, probably"

We walked to DADA. Some others was there already.

"Everyone, we're going to the teacher's office, course there's the thing we need to today's lesson" Professor Lupin said. And everyone followed him. When we came in there was a closet, it was making loud knocking noises "here we have a bogart" Professor Lupin said "can anyone tell me what a bogart is?" Hermione raised her hand "yes miss...?"

"Granger, sir" Hermione said "a bogart is a creature who takes the shape of what we fears the most"

"That's right miss Granger" Professor Lupin said "and Harry, can you tell why it will not work if two people are there on the same time?"

"Because..." Harry said "it would try to make it to two things on the same time"

"Correct, 5 points from each of you two" Professor Lupin said "now Mr...?" He pointed at Neville.

"Longbottom" Neville said.

"Okay Mr. Longbottom, can you assist me?"

"Ye-yeah" he said shaking.

"Okay, now tell me what you fear the most" Professor Lupin said.

"Pro-professor Snape..." Neville mumbled and wispered at the same time.

"Can you say it again?" Professor Lupin asked.

"Professor Snape" Neville said and looked down. I know dad is giving Neville a hard time, but....well, to be the thing he fears the most is.... yeah...
Neville looked at me. "Sorry y/n" he said.

"Nothing to say sorry about" I said and gave him a little smile.

"Okay, now picture your grandmothers clothes" Professor Lupin said.

"O-okay" Neville said "but I don't want the bogart to turn into her nether"

"Just picture the clothes" Lupin said with a smile on his face. Then he wispered something to Neville only me and Neville could here "picture Professor Snape in your grandmothers clothes" he said and Neville giggled "okay now say 'ridiculous' very clearly, okay?"

"Okay" Neville said and Professor Lupin opened the closet and the figure of dad came out "ridiculous" Neville said and it came figur of dad got Nevilles grandmothers clothes on. Everyone laughed, I was really close to die of laughter.

"Okay, now everyone make a line" Professor Lupin said laughing.

Everyone made a line and one after one made a line. There was a hand, a mumie, a cobra and Ron's was a giant spider. Draco didn't stand in the line. I think he don't want anyone to know his fear. But what was his fear? Then it was my turn. I walked to the closet, my stomach hurt. Then it began to take a figur. But I don't even know what my fear is. Then the figur was only a fog, and a loud noise came. It was screaming. I new exactly who's screams it was. But people just looked like they could figure out who it was. But it was Harry's, Ron's, Hermione's and the worst ones was Dad's and Draco's. But there was another scream, it was from a woman. I couldn't find out who...was couldn't be. It was moms. The pain from the screams went thru me. Then I felt someone drag me to the side and professor Lupin closed the door. It was Draco who dragged me away from the pain.

"Y/n..." Professor Lupin said. I was really pale "can you...can you tell us who screamed, and why that was the worst for you"

"I...I..." Was the only thing I could say "I...I cou-could...hear...I...." Tears began to run down my cheeks "the worst thing for me is not a's more...the pain...and...the pain for me's..." I couldn't find words.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell us" Professor Lupin said understanding "now everyone, class dismissed"

Draco took me to the Slytherin common and into his dorm. He laied me on his bed and we cuddled.

"Your okay?" He asked me curious.

"Ye-yeah" I said still shaking from what I just heard.

"I'm happy you are" He said and kissed me on my forehead.

"Draco?" I said "why didn't you stand ready to show your worst fear?"

"It's because..." He sighed "I have two fears, and the two fears combined are...the worst thing EVER" he said.

"You know you can tell me" I said.

"Then tell me first what you heard" he said.

"I heard...I heard voices screaming... Harry's voice, Hermione's voice, Ron's Voice, you-your voice" I sighed "I heard dad's voice and the weirdest of them all...I heard mom's voice"

"Really. That's...that's..." He said.

"I know" I said and sighed.

"My fears are my dad..." He said "and you dead" he sighed and I looked at him "so the combined fear is my dad killing you..."

"Dray..." I said and kissed him.
Omg, tomorrow evening is the new book coming <333

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Sorry for grammatical fails

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