Part 13 - Pumpkin Juice

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Y/n's POV

I'm writing letters and talking to people, just to not feel alone. Just to not BE alone. But they aren't writing back as they would normally. Draco's letters are short and he won't use his ring. Like he doesn't have it anymore. Harry, Ron and Hermione's letters are mysterious and they won't tell me what's going on at the school. But it's soon time to come back, I'm so excited to see everyone again. But it needs to be a surprise, at least for Draco. Harry, Ron and Hermione know that I'm coming back this week, they don't know it's tomorrow, but they know that they should go to the train station everyday, to see if I'm there. 


Draco's POV

I feel in love. But fake love. She's always just there. And since Y/n has been home, I just liked her. But how? My mind is blurry and I can't think. They're all saying we're together, and they're all thinking y/n knows. But does she? What is this? Something's on my mind, and it can't be anything else than that. 

It all started the day after y/n took home. 

I sat at the table in the great hall, Pansy walked over to me. I was on the edge. I felt so bad for y/n. She gave me a glass of pumpkin juice, and said that everything was okay. And then she began to flirt with me. Like we were some kind of a couple. Everything in me said it was wrong. But something said; yes, I love her! But I just don't. I don't like her at all. She's not my type. She is everything else than my type. Was there something in my pumpkin juice? Then we began to date, every morning she gave me a glass of pumpkin juice. And then she said to everyone that we were dating, and that y/n was okay with it. But was she? Potter, Weasley and Granger gave us always weird looks. Like they knew something, like they knew that y/n doesn't know. But what was in the pumpkin juice? Was it Lovepotion? I think so. But it's not me who's making me do what I do. It's her!


Y/n's POV

I woke up the next day, I was so happy to see Draco again. I'm going to surprise him. Dad said that he would love to be with me home more, but he needs to be at the school. But when I say I also wanna come back to the school he says; Yeah, but if you get hurt again, I'm going to be a murderer! 

We walked to the platform, I wanted to take the train, I love to take the train. Maybe it's a long road but it's beautiful. I sat down and looked out at the window.

"Are you excited to come back?" dad asked me.

"Well yeah, but I kinda have a bad feeling" I sighed, still looking out at the window. The rain began falling and transformed to snow.  

"It's going to be good, I swear" Dad said with a little smile.

"Your right" I said.

We came to the castle, I saw Harry, Ron and Hermione standing there waiting for me. I walked over to them.

"Y/N!" Hermione said and ran over to me, she gave me a really big hug.

"Hello everyone" I said with a smile.

"What's going on between you and Draco?" Harry asked as we walked towards the castle.

"Nothing" I said confused "what's going on?"

They looked at each other as we walked into the great hall.

"You know, Draco and Pan..." Hermione didn't get to say more, because in the hall Draco and Pansy stood snogging.

"Dra...Draco...?" I said stunned "Pan...Pansy..?"

"Y/n?" Draco said.

"Hello y/n" Pansy said cold.

"What...What...WHAT THE HELL I GOING ON?" I screamed. People nearby looked up surprised.

"Haven't you told her?" Pansy asked Draco.

"Should I tell her something?" Draco asked.

People began to stand outside us in a ring.

"You didn't know?" a girl said, I think she's a ravenclaw "but everyone have said that you where completely fine with them"

"COMPLETELY FINE!?!" I screamed, tears began to roll down my cheeks "Every time I'm coming something happens, not something good, but something bad. Why did you do it?"


Draco's POV

"COMPLETELY FINE!?!" Y/n screamed, tears began to roll down her cheeks "Every time I'm coming something happens, not something good, but something bad. Why did you do it?"

I felt horrible, the other thing in me doesn't care. But that wasn't me. That was something. Was it Lovepotion? She hasn't given me any pumpkin juice today, my mind is less blurry. I wanted to kast myself on the ground and cry. Then I remembered, she's a legemsy, if I just can make her read my mind.

"Legemsy" I said.


Y/n's POV

"Legemsy" Draco said, people looked weirdly at him. But I understood. It would use all my last powers, and I would probably faint.

I looked into his mind. It was kinda blurry, I could feel his feelings, I could see all of his thoughts.  I felt relist, but bad. Lovepotion. It's the strongest one; Amortentia. But why would Pansy do something like that? I felt myself tripping, and everything went black. I got to say something before I fainted.


I woke up in the hospital wing, I didn't feel good. Draco was by my side, he told me how Hermione found out that he was under the lovepotion and helped him get an antidote. And how he told everyone what Pansy did.

"I just thought we were friends" I sighed.

"She's obsessed" He sighed "But I'm happy your okay"

I gave him a smile.


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