Part 12 - How to rescue people who won't rescues?

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Side POV

Y/n stood at the sealing, thinking about the voices. She tried not to break down. She was crying, felling bad. She couldn't understand what was happening with her. She thought about everything there had happened the last few days. All there was happened with her and draco, and how Sirius Black was founded not far from the castle. She stood up on the sealing, ready to get the voices out of her head.

Snape, McGonagall, Lupin, Draco, Harry, Ron and Hermione had ran up to the astronomy tower.

"Y/N!" Snape shouted.

"Please don't jump" Draco said quietly. He was scared, scared to loose her. He was scared that if she died he would die. He was scared of get the blame for her death. And he would take the blame. Love is deathly.

"I can't do this" y/n said "all these voices, all these sounds. They are driving me mad" The others gave eachother a confused look. Y/n looked over at Snape "I'm so sorry dad. I'm so sorry for everything" Then she jumped.

Snape ran down the stairs, he wanted to catch her, he knew it was too late but he needed to try. Hermione took her hands Infront of her face, she was scared. Draco had only one thought "are we too young for this? You are too young for this" It was the words in his head. Ron stood at frozen to the place, but Harry, Lupin and McGonagall ran too the sealing. McGonagall casted a spell down on y/n, and hoped it worked. She ran down to check, even though she was scared.

Y/n's POV

I was close on the ground, but then I stopped. I flew a few inches over the ground and then landed softly. There was a ringing sound in my ears. I heard footsteps from behind.

"Y/n? Do you live? Have you left me?" Dad said. I just looked up. Didn't say a word. But dad looked so much more relieved.

"Why did you rescue me? Who did? Why? I don't wanna be rescued! I wanna lay here to the end" I sighed and closed my eyes "if this is the fucking end, I would take it"

I heard more footsteps.

"Y/n!" Professor McGonagall said "did my spell work?"

"Why do you wanna rescue someone who don't wanna be rescued?" I opened my eyes and looked at her "why?" There was tears in my eyes "I just wanted the voices to stop. My thoughts to stop. EVERYTHING to stop!"

I saw Draco, Ron, Harry and Hermione running over to me. I couldn't se them in the eyes. I couldn't, and I wouldn't. I hoped dad wouldn't let them over to me, but he didn't stop them. They sat down by my side without saying a word. I couldn't hear the voices, but I knew they would come again.

I don't know how long I laied there, but dad and the other teachers was talking and more came. Even Professor Dumbledore. He couldn't be here for me. I'm not that important. Then dad came over to me.

"Y/n you need to come home for a while, and I'm going with you" he said, I knew he didn't want to leave the school just now. But why did he then do it. I looked away "y/n your so important to me, we need to keep you safe for the next month"

"I'm... I'm important?" I asked tears was still running down my cheeks.

"Ofcourse you are, your the most important thing to me" he gave me a tight hug "I'm taking you to the hospital wing and then tomorrow we're going home"

"Home..." I said.

The next day

I woke up in the hospital wing, I was kinda feeling better. Madam Pomfrey had been around me all night and talk about how unsafe the school was. It was making me tired but she was kinda right. Dad walked into the hospital wing, and over to me.

"Are you ready Sweetheart?" Dad asked.

"Yeah..." I said. How couldn't I be? I couldn't on many ways but...I needed to come home. Probably...

We walked down to the train. It stood ready on the platform. We didn't talk, I just looked through the windows, why didn't Harry, Ron, Hermione or at least Draco come to day goodbye?

"Dad...?" I said.

"If you wanna know where your friends are...they had been spoken to and Professor Dumbledore said that they couldn't come to say goodbye"  Dad said. I didn't say anything. I just looked out of the window
"y/n..." Dad said. I still didn't say anything "you need to rest..." I looked over at dad, I felt depressed... but angry?

"Dad! I don't need rest! If I need rest then you could let me die! I don't wanna go home, I don't wanna be at the castle, I DON'T WANNA BE IN THIS WORLD!" I said, and tears began to fall down my cheeks again "why do someone wanna rescue someone who don't wanna be rescued. There could have been peace in my life, and joy in you guys lives"

"Y/n, if you left me no joy would be left in my life, your the only joy I have left" dad said quietly "if you left I don't know how I would could live..." I looked over at him and gave him a hug.

"I probably need to come home...and you too" I said quietly.
Done for now.

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