Part 9 - Before and after

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Y/n's POV

Draco and I walked to Hogsmeet, we visited a lot of stores and shops.

"Wanna come to the three broomsticks?" Draco asked me and gave me a smile.

"Yeah, I love their butterbeer" I smiled.

"I guess you have been there a lot of time" Draco said with a smile across his face.

"Yeah, bin there a lot with dad when I was younger" I smiled.

"That sounds nice" Draco said and took ny hand. We have been together for 3 years and I still gets butterflies in my stomach when I'm with him.

We walked hand in hand to the three broomsticks. The wetter was really good but it was actually a bit cold. We walked in and sat by a table. I saw Ron and Hermione sitting with a nearby table. Ron was looking after the waiter Rosmerta. Draco got up and ordered two butterbeers.

"Here" Draco said and gave me one of the cups.

"Thanks Dray" I said. I felt kinda lucky right now. I felt fresh on everything and I felt that I could do anything I wanted to do. We sat and talked as we drank our butterbeers.

"Come let's go, I have a meeting with Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy" Draco said. I didn't know why but as he said pansy I got a weird feeling. I know Pansy is one of my best friends, but in the moment is she really simping over Draco. Am I selfish...?

I nooded and we walked out. I didn't even got to say hi to Ron and Hermione.

"Draco...?" I said trying to tell him that I wanted to say hi to my friends.

"Not now y/n" Draco said "I need to find Pansy and the others"

Ofcourse he needed to say Pansy at first. Not Crabbe and the others. Not Goyle and the others. But Pansy and the others. I really have a feeling somethings going on. I can't have it in my head. I stopped up and stood still. I wanted to see if Draco even saw that I was stopped. But he didn't. He just walked without notice. There was a bench nearby and I sat down. A cold wind blew though my hair. People was just going by me and I covered my face in my hands.

"Sweetheart?" A nearby voice said "what are you doing out here. I thought you was going here with Draco?"

"He...I...I stopped up trying to see if he'd notice, and guess what. He didn't" I said without looking up. Dad sat down by my side.

"I really wish I could be with you right now..." Dad began "but...but I have some important things to do"

"It's... it's okay" I sighed "you don't need to bother with my problems" I sounded depressed, and I wasn't even trying to. Dad gave me a hug and leaved. I looked up and watched dad as he walked away. I wanted to cry so badly. But I try to hold it in. I don't wanna show my pain. Every time I have showed my pain people are being nice to me in a week or two and well it's helping but...after everyone forgets everything, everyone forgets how I am and somehow also who I am. I heard laugher from nearby. I looked to see who was laughing. It was Draco and Pansy. Crabbe and Goyle wasn't even there. They saw me and walked over to me.

"Y/n we have been looking for you. Why wasn't you with Draco?" Pansy said.

"Why would you bother" I said, I tried to sound like I didn't care "I guess someone has a lot of fun and I KNOW you had better fun without me. So why bother?"

"Y/n" Draco said trying to take my hand but I avoided it.

"Don't!" I said angrily.

"Why are you in such a bad mood?" Pansy asked.

"Because I have the best boyfriend in the world who would always see if I'm stopping up and would always care about me" I said.

"Y/n..." Draco tried.

"Don't! Try!" I said "and you two, you can have fun together!" I was angry but sad. I couldn't find away though my thoughts.

"Y/N!" Draco said and I looked at him "I care about you. I'm so sorry that I didn't notice that you where gone. But I had a lot going through my mind. But as soon as I founded out you where gone I was really curious and anxious. I'm so sorry" he looked down "please forgive me for being such a bad boyfriend" I walked over to him. First I slapped him after I gave him a hug "Ouch that hurt" Draco said "but let's get back to the castle.

We walked to the castle and I walked with Draco into his dorm. We laied and cuddled a bit, then we began making out. And I knew we both knew that it was the right time now. I didn't know how it started it just did. I didn't even get to think and then I felt my body being felt up whit pleasure. We began to snog and just went on.

It was almost 2am. I got to borrow the bathroom so I could get a shower. I tried to be as fast as possible so Draco also could get to use the shower. I walked out of the shower in a Gryffindor colored pyjamas. I laied down in the bed and listened to the sound of water falling from the showerhead to the floor. The the sound stopped and a few minutes after I felt a arm dragging me closer to Draco. I felt so safe in his arms. I always do.
I'm so sorry I haven't laied anything up in a while. There has actually been something going on in my real life. Only a few persons know what. So if I don't lay anything up, calm down I'm still alive <3

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