Part 2 - Malfoy Mansion

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Side POV

Hello y/n♡

I wanna invite you to come and visit me in Malfoy Mansion the 24 august. If you wanna come meet me in diagon alley.
Hope you'll come.

- Draco
Hi Draco

I'm meeting you in diagon alley. I miss you and I'm excited to see you.

Love you
- Y/n
Y/n's POV

"Y/n!" Dad voice said "now it's third time I call you" He sounded irritated "your coming to late"

"What am I coming to late to?" I yawned.

"YOU SHALL TO DIAGON ALLEY" Dad shouted from down stairs.

"Oh shit, I forgot" I said and jumped out of the bed. I just made a simple look. How could I forget that.

"I think you can come to Diagon alley by yourself" Dad said and handed me some rushing powder.

"Thanks" I said "Diagon alley"

It was really, REALLY dusty. I hate to travel with rushing powder because of the dust. I landed in diagon alley and there was dust in my eyes. It hurt.

"Y/n? Darling?" I heard a voice say.

"Draco" I said and ran over to him and gave him a hug. He had got the biggest glow up.

"Your really dusty" He giggled.

"Thanks" I said "and now you are too" he laughed "is it just me or have you got a glow up?"

"I think so" he laughed "Come with me" he dragged me to the leaky cauldron, where Narcissa Malfoy stood waiting for us.

"Hello" Narcissa said "you must be y/n" She smiled.

"Yes" I smiled "nice to meet you Mrs. Malfoy"

"You too" She said "and just call me Narcissa"

"Okay, Narcissa" I said with a smile.

We shopped for our things and then took to Malfoy Mansion.

"Welcome" Draco said and dragged me in to the house. It was a really big house "This is your room" Draco smiled "my room is that one beside yours"

"Wauw" I said impressed "this is a really beautiful house"

"Thanks love" Draco smiled "come let's go into my room"

We walked into his room and he dragged me up against the wall and began to kiss me, I kissed him back. Then he opened his mouth a bit and his tongue hit mine.

Then there was a loud knock on the door and Narcissa Malfoy came in.

"Have I interrupted something?" She asked and I blushed "I just wanted to say that there's dinner" She walked out.

"Well that was awkward" I blushed.

"Yup" He said and then we began to laugh.

"Well let's get down" Draco said giggling, and dragged me down to the dinning room.

Narcissa Malfoy sat at the table, but Lucius Malfoy wasn't there. Personal I doesn't care, I don't like him. He's kinda scary. We sat down and ate. It was a bit awkward. Mostly because of her interrupting us before...

"Come" Draco said when we was done. He dragged me to his room again "I'm going to the bathroom just wait here"

His room was in a dark green colour. But by his bed there was a picture. It was of me.

"Like it?" Draco said with a smirk, as he walked out of the bathroom. I giggled.

He locked the door and pushed me softly on the bed. Then he started kissing me, and then took of his shirt.

"Draco..." I breathed. He began to take my shirt of. I knew what he wanted, but I don't think I'm ready. He began to take my pants of me "STOP!" I said and he stopped and looked at me "I'm...I'm not ready" He got of me and took his shirt on again.

"Okay" he said, I knew he tried to sound understanding. But he was disappointed.

"Draco..." I said.

"It's okay y/n" He said "both need to be ready" he looked down.

"Draco" I said insisting "just because I don't wanna do that doesn't mean I don't love you"

He smiled and got over to me and began to kiss me again.

"I love you too" he said.

That night I just laied in my bed. Thinking about what was close to happen. Anyway I need some sleep. I just couldn't so I got up and walked over to Draco.

"Draco?" I wispered into his room. He opened the door and let me come in.

"Are you okay?" He asked anxious.

"Yeah..." I said "I just can't sleep..." I saw him calm down "can I sleep here?"

"Yeah ofcourse" he smiled and made some space for me in his bed. I laied on his chest and he kissed me on my forehead "you can always come in here"

"Thanks" I said and kissed him. I felt safe in his arms. I felt good. And then I falled asleep.

I woke up sawing Draco looking at me.

"Good morning, princess" Draco said "did you sleep well?"

"Never better" I yawned, and kissed him.

"You look cute when you sleep" he giggled and I blushed.

Then there was a knock on the door and Lucius came in. He took one look at us and then looked at Draco.

"We need to talk later" Lucius said.

"Okay father" Draco said and Lucius walked out "We're screwed"

"Why?" I asked curious.

"Mom's okay with me and you. But dad, he's...well I don't know what he is. I think he's okay that it's you. But not the way you are" he sighed.

"Draco, I don't care about what anyone says about us. If our parents doesn't accept us, then let's run away together" I smiled to him.

"I wish life was that easy" He smiled and kissed me.
What happens next? I know you don't 😆

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Sorry for grammatical fails.

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