Part 15 - Stars

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Y/n's POV

It's time for DADA, it has been so cool to have professor Lupin till DADA. But I had a strange feeling. And it's not that I have been so much happier at the moment. Maybe my life aint that hard after all. All that has happened in my life there is really hard mom dying. And the worst part...I don't even know who she is.

She died right after my birth, and I feel like I'm the one to blame. Maybe that's what has made me so depressed. I need to think more happily. life has been pretty good since I joined Hogwarts and made friends. Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville, Ginny, Fred, George, Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise and Draco of course. Maybe I haven't talked that much with all of them but they're my friends anyway, and even before them I had dad, and the other teachers. Even though that aint real friends, I still had someone. My life is actually pretty good.

I walked into the DADA classroom. All the others were already there, and I sat down by Draco.

"Hey Princess" Draco said "Are you alright? You nearly came late to class" He sounded pretty curious.

I smiled a big smile, my good thoughts had come back. Just the thought of all of these people who came to see me after I nearly died for real, it just made me happier than ever.

"Yes" I said happily "I feel fantastic, it's like I see the world in new colors"

"I feel like you have changed overnight." Draco said with a smirk across his face. I leaned in and kissed him. He blushed so much.


Y/n's POV

The class was soon over and everyone was on their way back to their dorm. I was going with Harry, Hermione and Ron.

"So what have you been up to y/n?" Ron asked "We haven't really been seeing you"

"Erm...Well...I...Uhm.." I tried to explain but Ron, Harry and Hermione just looked at me and then laughed.

"So you were with Malfoy?" Hermione said teasingly.

"Uhm...yes.." I said and blushed.

"We heard about the episode where you called Malfoy daddy" Harry said and raised an eyebrow.

"Actually I did not" I said "I..uhm...I should talk to my dad...and when I was about to call him, it just came out.."

"Wrong" Hermione said and laughed.

"Yes you can say that very well" I said and laughed.

When we came to the painting of the fat lady there was a massive line. People were whispering and I began to be very curious.

"Are you guys being curious too?" I asked anxiously.

"Yeah, I have a bad feeling about this," Harry said.

"LET ME COME THROUGH, I'M A PREFEKT" I heard a voice behind me shout. It was Percy. Ron's older brother. People were letting him come through without hesitation. "Someone please get Professor McGonagall" Percy said anxiously, and some 5th years ran to find her. Professor McGonagall came a little after with Dumbledor right behind her.

"What's going on here?" Professor McGonagall asked, and a lot of people walked to the side, just for us to see...that the fat lady had run away and the only thing there were left were some marks from someone scratching it.

Then Peeves the poltergeist came by.

"She hides better than you can imagine," Peeves said.

"Where?" Dumbledor asked. But Peeves just smiled. "Who did this, answer me"

"He became very angry when she wouldn't let him in" Peeves said "He has a very bad temper, him Sirius Black" Everyone gasped and Dumbledor sent us down to the hall.

After some time the other dormitories came. I felt scared. I laid side by side with Ron and Hermione. Harry laid side by side with Ron. I wanted Draco to be there, but he was all the way at the other side in the room. I began getting really sick, like I could throw up. I tried to calm down, I was probably just tired. But it kept getting worse.

"Sleep tight" Professor Dumbledor said out in the room. Then he left and closed the doors.

"Everyone in their sleeping bags," Percy said in a high voice, and everyone got in their sleeping bags.

Shortly after everyone got in their bags the light turned off and the enchanting sealing was full of stars. I tried to sleep but then I saw dad. The professors were walking around to make sure we were sleeping, when dad came close enough, I stretched my arm to make dad come over, he slowly came over and came close to me.

"What's up sweetheart?" Dad whispered.

"I really feel bad right now," I said with a weak voice, feeling even more sick "I feel like I could throw up"

"Try sleeping" He said and stroked my forehead "then you'll feel better"

I gave him a little smile and tried to sleep. Even though it was hard to, I took a deep breath and thought about the stars. Small and pretty as they were as you look at them, even though I know they are bigger than most other things. Even our planet. But right when I look at them I feel calm, like they are the little things in my life, the little happy things. It made me think of Draco. On our first date he said "I see the stars in your eyes", it was such a perfect sentence. Just that made me fall for him even harder. But the stars also made me think of my friends, how they are there for me, always. I love them, forever, always.


Thanks for reading my story again.

Love you all so much.

And please vote for this story, that will make a little star for me <3

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