Part 14 - Daddy

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Y/n's POV

It's after christmas. Draco was there with me. He was keeping an eye on me, just to make sure I'm okay. And I am. We have also been together a lot, I mean "together". Not by hanging out, but the other way...yeah. But it has been every single time we had time together that it's "that" we have done. We were together last night, but now it just isn't the same. It's the fucking only thing we do. Wish it was like before our first time.

I laid a bit beside Draco, he was still asleep. I laid, thinking about everything. I was tired of everything. Then I remembered something, I had forgotten a book in potions. I'm going to dad to ask if he has it. I can hope so. Draco began to move and opened his eyes. 

"Morning, darling" He said with a smile. It was the first time in a long time he had called me something else then "y/n". It felt so much better. I felt like I was meaning something to him.

"G'morning, Dray" I yawned. 

"Wanna go to breakfast?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty hungry" I said and my stomach rumbled.  

Draco laughed and we walked to breakfast. I saw Pansy sitting alone at the Slytherin table. No-one was sitting with her. I actually felt bad for her, maybe what she did was really not cool, but she still needs friends, and someone who cares for her. I must be the one who can hate her most, but still, I feel bad for her. 

"I don't know why" I said to Draco "But I feel kinda bad for Pansy" Draco sighed.

"Y/n, you can't feel bad for every single person in the world. What's coming next? Do you feel bad for you-know-who?" Draco said and made a weird face.

"I actually kinda do..." I said quietly.

"What?!?" Draco said.

"He grew up at an orphanet, without any parents there could love him. But well, after all he has done...I don't feel bad for him" I said. Draco looked at me.

"How do you know?" he asked.

"I actually don't know" I said "I just do"

"You are the weirdest person I know" Draco said giggling and shook his head.

"Probably" I said with a smile. 

I walked over to the gryffindor table, and Draco walked to the slytherin table. I sat down by Hermione.

"Goodmorning, y/n" Hermione said wihle reading the prophet.

"Morning" I yawned.

"I didn't see you at all yesterday" Hermione said and looked up.

"Oh, I spent the nigh....whole day with draco" I said.

"Okay" Hermione said.

Harry and Ron came and sat down. Harry had been a bit off since christmas. He was snuggling into hogsmeade (without permission of course), he found out that Sirius Black is his godfather and he was the one who sold his parents to Voldemort. I think it came as a big shock for him. I understand, I would feel the same. Ron gave Hermione a side eye. What the fuck was happening? 

"What's wrong with you Ron?" I asked. He didn't answer "Seriously, what's wrong?" He kept ignoring me and looked angry at Hermione.

"Why are you looking at me like that" Hermione asked curiously. 

"Scabbers!" Ron said angrily "Crookshanks has killed him"

"What? Never!" Hermione said.

"There was blood over all and hair from that stoopit cat!" Ron said.

"Can you two stop?" I asked angrily.

"Are you always with Hermione!?" Ron asked angrily.

"No! JUST STOP!" I said. I hate when people are screaming and...and...

I felt tears beginning to run down my cheeks. I felt Draco's eyes on me, I couldn't see him, but I knew he was there.

"Sorry y/n" Ron said.

"Hey, are you okay?" Draco said.

"Yeah..." I said and walked with him.  We walked for a while. We didn't talk, just walked "I'm going to find dad. I need to find my book, I think he knows where it is" I just wanted to be alone, but well I didn't lie.

"Okay, see you later, love" Draco said and kissed me.

"See you" I smiled.

"And you're okay?" He asked.

"Yeah..." I smiled. 

I walked away, feeling his eyes. I walked out to the lake. People were laughing and happy. I felt lost. A song was on my mind. A muggle song called: Don't blame me.

I began to sing for myself.

"Don't blame me, love made me crazy
If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right
Lord, save me, my drug is my baby
I'll be using' for the rest of my life
Don't blame me, love made me crazy
If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right
Oh, Lord, save me, my drug is my baby
I'll be using' for the rest of my life"

I began to sing the same again and again, I felt better. 

"You're a good singer" A voice said behind me, I spun around and saw a cute boy "Oh, forgot to present myself. I'm Cedric diggory, from hufflepuff"

"I have heard off you" I smiled "I'm..."

"Y/n Snape, I know" He said.

"Well someone knows me" I giggled "Let me guess, you know more about me?"

"Actually I do, but it's only because everyone is talking about you" He said.

"Wauw..." I said "What do you know?"

"Your perseltung, legemsi, halfblood and your boyfriend is Draco Malfoy. You have tried to suicide yourself a few times and your dad is Professor Snape is your dad and your gryffindor" He said.

"Wow, does everyone know that much about me?" I asked.

"I guess" He said "Well it was nice to meet you, see you around" 

"See you" I said.

I walked in again and saw dad.

"Daddy?" I shouted after him. It wasn't that word I would use normally. Screw it. 

"Yes?" dad said and began to walk over to me.

"Wassup, love" I heard a voice say behind me. I froze. And spun around. Draco of course "Sorry love, I couldn't stop myself"

Dad looked at us.

"I wasn't talking to you, DRACO!" I said agrily.

"But that was what you called me last..." He began but I shut him. 

"Sorry dad" I said and gave draco a side eye "Do you know where my potion book is?" 

"First, yeah I have it right here" He gave me my book "Second, what the hell is going on?"

"I was just saying it for fun" Draco said.

"Okay" Dad said and walked away without another word. 

Then people began to laugh around us. And we also began to laugh. Weird how something can be that embarrassing and so funny at the same time. 


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