Part 6 - The hippogriff.

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Y/n's POV

Today is first day. And I shall to care for magical creatures, and DADA. I'm really excited to come to care for magical creatures. I love creatures, some are really mysterious and that makes them really cool. I was at the Gryffindor table. Harry, Ron and Hermione wasn't here right now, but I suppose they'll come. I took some cereals, I was so tired and sleepy. I was close to fall asleep in my cereals but then Hermione talked to me.

"Good morning y/n" Hermione said energetic.

"Good morning" I yawned.

"Someone is stood up early" A voice behind me said.

"Yeah" I yawned "I couldn't sleep, what about you Harry?"

"I could, actually I slept pretty good" He said with a smile. I smiled back at him.

"G'morning, y/n, Hermione and Harry" Ron said "oh, there's tost, I'm so hungry"

"Kk, foody" I said giggling.

"Are you guys exited for care for magical creatures?" Hermione asked "I am, it's going to be so great to see what Hagrid has to show us"

"Yeah, and I really love Magical creatures" I smiled. I was already done eating, so I waited on the others. The other ate done and we walked down to care for magical creatures.

"Hello, Hagrid" I said as we came down there.

"Hello y/n" Hagrid smiled.

The other came, Draco was there also, but he stood a bit away from were I was.

"I everyone here?" Hagrid said "good, now open yer' books"

"How can we open the books" Draco said and rolled his eyes.

"Just stroke 'em down the back" Hagrid said.

"I think they're funny" Hermione said politely.

"Yeah totally funny" Draco said ironic "wait to my dad hears that we have that thing to teach us these classes"

"Shut up Malfoy" Harry said.

"Uhhh" Draco said and walked over to Harry. But then he looked scared "Dementor, Dementor" Draco said and everyone except me looked over behind Harry. I didn't feel like there wasn't anything good back, so why should there be a dementor. Draco and some other Slytherins began to laugh. Hermione walked over to Harry and they walked of. Draco walked over to me "why didn't you look around, love?" He said and smirked.

"I felt like normally so I thought there wasn't a dementor" I said and shrugged.

"See" Draco said "you are powerful and there's a reason that your predicted the most powerful witch"

"Yeah..." I sighed "please don't talk high about it. I don't want everyone to know"

"Ofcourse" Draco said and gave me a little smile "but remember, rumours are spreading fast"

"Yeah" I sighed.

"Everyone, come over here" Hagrid said and we walked over to him "so here is the first creature you need to see" Hagrid looked happy "isn't he beautiful, it's a hippogriff" Some students looked scared "so...who wanna try and say hi to him, just remember not to insult him" Everyone walked back. Only me and Harry stood back, and I don't even think Harry wanted to "Harry, come here. Just just bow for him and hold eye contact. Remember not to blink" Harry bowed an hold eye contact with the hippogriff, but the hippogriff didn't bow "Harry, go back slowly" Harry began to go back, but then the hippogriff bowed "Harry you can clap him now" Harry walked over to the hippogriff and clapped him, then close to everyone clapped at Harry "I think he want to give you a ride Harry" Hagrid lifted Harry up on the hippogriff, but Harry complained. Hagrid didn't listen to what Harry said. Then the hippogriff and Harry flew away. And I walked over to Draco.

"Why are everyone clapping of Harry, it's not that special to clap a hippogriff" Draco said and rolled his eyes.

"But you didn't walk over to try and clap it" I said "you could just do that"

"Your so annoying" Draco said and rolled his eyes.

"But you love me anyway" I said teasing.

"Probably" he said and I giggled.

"Here dray" I said and gave Draco a green apple I founded at breakfast. I knew it was his favourite.

"Thanks princess" he said and kissed me.

"Ofcourse" I smiled. Then Harry landed. And he hopped of the hippogriff. A lot of people clapped.

"Oh please" Draco said annoyed "your not dangerous at all are you, you great ugly creature" he walked up to the hippogriff and then the hippogriff scratched him and he felt to the ground "it's almost killed me, it killed me" Draco said and he laied on the ground. I felt something in me hurting. I felt it was my fault. I said to him that he just could try and clap the hippogriff.

"Draco!" I said and ran over to him "you stupid idiot" I didn't know what to do, I wanted to cry "he need to get to the hospital wing" I said.

"I'm the teacher, so I'm doing it" Hagrid said and lifted Draco.

"Your going to regret this" Draco mumbled as he got away.

I sank to the ground and began to cry.

"What's wrong now?" Harry said and rolled his eyes "you can't cry because of his stupidity"

"IT'S FUCKING MY FAULT" I cried and people looked weirdly at me.

"How the fuck can it be your fault, it was not you there said he should go up to the hippogriff" Harry said and rolled his eyes.

"It's that..." I cried "I did say that..."

The next hours I sat in the hospital wing with Draco. He tried to say that it wasn't my fault, and that it wasn't me who said he should talk like that to the hippogriff.

"It is my fault" I said quietly "I know you know that it is"

"It's not" he said and looked me straight in the eyes "love? You are not the reason that this happened...and thanks for calling me a stupid idiot" he said with a smirk and I giggled.

" long...I just want you to be fine" I said quietly.

"I am, I am" he said "I swear"

I really hope you are...
Done for now :)

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Sorry for grammatical fails.

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