Part 16 - Sickness

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Y/n's POV

I woke up, but I felt the shivers running down my spin and the way I just wanted to throw up was horrible. I felt cold sweat on my back, and I began to freeze.

I looked around the room. We were still in the great hall, but everyone else was still asleep. I looked around for a teacher. I felt like I needed Madam Pomfrey or dad. I saw Professor Dumbledore come in, and I raised my hand up while sitting up so he could see me. He walked towards me but stopped a bit away and waved me over to me. I stood up and walked over to him, and he led us out.

"So miss Snape, what can I do for you?" Dumbledore asked.

"I just feel really bad, I feel nauseous, sick, I feel cold sweat on my back and I'm freezing" I said and wanted to cry, but I held it in. I could not cry right now, I have felt better than forever.

"Come with me to madam Pomfrey, let's see what's wrong with you" Professor Dumbledore said, I could feel the pity in his voice.

We walked to Madam Pomfrey and Dumbledore left me with her. I felt really anxious. Then a thought came through my head, what if...what if...what if I was...PREGNANT?!? No I couldn't be. Right?

Madam Pomfrey began to investigate me. Not just physically, but also mentally. She talked to me, about my past and about my present life. After an hour or two she was ready with the result.

"So...miss Snape, I have to say something to you. Or actually it's two things I need to tell you. The first thing is that you feel sick because...I can't really say's just so horrible" She said and got tears in her eyes. I already felt worse. "You have..." She began to blubber "You got cancer..." She said "Cancer in your stomach, it's one of the worst ones, and if we don't do something fast you could...d-d-die!" She began crying. I felt stunned. What?

"What should I-I do? Am I going to st. mungo's? Or can you fix it? Am I going to d-die? Am I going to l-live? I-I-I..." I began crying. What should I do?

"St. mungo's...and-and you're going to live, but we need professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape" She said mumbling.

"But...but what about the other thing?" I said, trying to calm down.

"You have a trauma from when your mother died, and that gives you anxiety and makes you more sensitive" She said and shook her head. Then she left the room to find dad and professor Dumbledore.

I felt like I waited forever, when they came. Dad stormed in and ran over to me.

"We are going to st. mungo's RIGHT NOW!" Dad said and I felt his anxiety.

"Calm down, Severus," Professor Dumbledore said. It was a long time since I heard anyone call my dad by his first name. "It's going to be alright, we taking rushing power and get there in a moment"

"I CAN'T JUST CALM DOWN, IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE" Dad basically screamed.


Severus Snape's POV

"I CAN'T JUST CALM DOWN, IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE" I shouted. She was the only one I had left. I looked at Y/n, she just looked down. My precious daughter. She can't die, not now. Not like this. If we don't get her there immediately, she could..she could...! I can't even think about it. But if we get her there now she can be well by the end of the week. If I just had the potion to cure it, she could be at Hogwarts and it would feel more safe.

"Severus!" I heard Dumbledore say, but I did not register it "Severus, she is going to be alright, don't worry. The people at st. mungo's deals with this all of the time"

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