72. Cuddles

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Avalon was two more steps from breaking her ankle at this rate. She pushed the little stroller along and Alyssa slept soundly but she was going to be woken up very abruptly if Avalon tripped, fell and accidentally shoved the stroller into a statue.

"Ah, Lord Larys!" Avalon declared veering off the path, he looked up happily from his book.

"Your grace." he answered.

"Can I borrow your shoulder?" Avalon questioned. Larys nodded confused as Avalon reached out grabbing his shoulder and pulling her shoe off.

"Would you like to sit?" Larys countered scooting over for her.

"Ah yes that would be better." Avalon agreed.

"Your shoes-" Larys stopped himself as she threw it into the shrubbery. "Is everything alright your grace?"

"I hate those shoes. I dont know why I keep them." Avalon answered pulling off the other shoe and throwing it aside.

"Feel better?"

"Much." She agreed rocking the stroller back and forth. "what are you reading?"

"A book on herbology."

"You are quite good with herbs." She agreed. "Some magic potions in there for the next time I'm sick?" She pondered.

"Possibly." Larys agreed.

"If you want anything planted in the gardens here just let the gardener know and we can have it placed for you." Avalon offered switching hands on the stroller.

"Thats very kind of you." Larys admitted. "Very generous, I think I will take you up on that."

'You are family larys and its honestly not a big deal. We have so much land here, wasted potential for most of it." Avalon offered.

"We are family?" larys countered.

"I mean..." Avalon gave him a pointed look. "Our bloodlines are a bit blurred now." She whispered.

"I love that you dont shy away from the truth, your grace."

"I love that you seem to be this vast well of knowledge." Avalon countered. Larys blushed. Avalon stopped rocking the stroller.

"I just read a lot."

"I wish I could read more, my readings consist of-" she cracked her knuckles rolling her shoulders. "-meeting notes and decrees. Quite boring and by the time I get to read for pleasure well... with three children that doesnt really happen."

"And two spouses." Larys added.

"Yes all of which are very needy." Avalon agreed. Avalon scooped up Alyssa when she stopped rocking the stroller too long and Alyssa woke up whining for her.

"You are a good mother your grace."

"Have you ever thought of getting married?" Avalon pondered.

"Not for me." Larys countered. But alyssa stared back at him reaching out for him grabbing his hair.

"If you mean your cane-"

"Most women compare me to my brother. Before they even see me they hear my title. Then they see me and..."

"Your title... Lord larys?" She pondered

"Larys the clubfoot." He corrected

"That doesnt define you larys."

"It doesnt change how others see me." Larys countered. "But i have always enjoyed my solitude."

"Me as well which is crazy because i never get any alone time to just sit and think." Avalon declared.

"You are welcome to join me for quiet." Larys assured. He reached out a finger giving it to alyssa. She giggled out giving it a shake.

"Thank you i might take you up on that." Avalon agreed. "I forgot how peaceful the world could be." Avalon breathed in the air alyssa seemed to copy her.

"MAMA!" Vaera shouted out "where are you silly woman?"

"And there is my vaera." Avalon chuckled.

"And there goes your quiet." Larys agreed.

"Mama i found you!"

"You found me. Good day Lord Larys."

"Good day your grace." Larys agreed.

Avalon got up putting alyssa back in the stroller and vaera helped her push it through the trails of the garden. Vaera kept talking and talking she was great at talking never ran out of things to say. Avalon loved her excitement and energy.

Vaera smiled back at avalon telling her about her morning with viserys. Avalon loved how much they loved each other. Loved how much time they spent together. Viserys doted on vaera most.

Vaera loved alyssa and aemond. Avalon what a good big sister she was to alyssa. When alyssa started to fuss vaera ran around the stroller and waved down at alyssa making faces at her. Telling her little sister its okay she was right here.

Vaera was her sassy angel.

When they got back to the castle vaera wanted to sing alyssa to sleep but alyssa wanted to play so vaera and helaena played with alyssa and avalon went to find some more comfortable shoes when she came across aegon.

He had a big pout on his face. Avalon thought something was wrong. Something had to be wrong.

"Aegon honey?"

He marched off and avalon was going to follow him but vaera called out that alyssa was stinky.

"Coming sweetie." Avalon agreed. After changing and putting alyssa down for a nap she felt a presence at the door.

"Aegon baby whats wrong? Are you alright?" Avalon questioned as she stroked alyssa little leg.

"I dont think i want you having any more babies." Aegon told avalon. She looked up from a sleeping alyssa, confused.

"What do you mean honey? You love playing with aemond and vaera." Avalon corrected

"But we dont cuddle anymore." Aegon whined and avalons heart broke. When aegon was little he was her whole world. She couldnt say no to him she soent hours upon hours with him. Now at her third child alyssa was in her crawling stage and she had to be kept a closer eye on. Avalon had not realized she was neglecting Aegon so much. She moved to him swiftly and wrapped her arms around him tight.

"We can cuddle right now." Avalon decided. "Im so sorry aegon. You know how much i love you. A new baby is just more work..."

"I know. Which is why you should stop having babies and love me instead." Aegon agreed.  Avalon held aegon close kissing the top of his head. "No more babies. Just me."

Love Story // Viserys Targaryen // Alicent Hightower / POLYNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ