25. Replace You

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You Belong with Me / Jon Snow out now!

One morning Alicent woke turning to face Avalon and she didnt know what came over her but Alicent kissed her.

Avalons eyes blinked open and Alicent stared back at her a moment longer before remembering that her lips were still on Avalons.

Avalon traced her thumb along Alicents cheek as she pulled back.

"Im sorry do forgive me. I dont know where that-" alicent began but Avalon kissed her gently before closing her eyes again and Alicent sighed curling into Avalon. "Avalon?" Alicent whispered, her voice so soft if her face was not buried in Avalon's neck, Avalon would not have heard her.

"Hmm?" Avalon purred running a hand through Alicent's hair and down her back.

"I'm terrified when you are not around." Alicent admitted.

Avalon let out a long slow breath as she held loosely to Alicent. Fingers trailed her back gently. What was she supposed to say to that? How was she supposed to respond?

Terrified. Alicent was terrified. How was Avalon supposed to protect her? They couldnt hide in these four walls forever.

Rhaenyra was moody, she was moody and mean and Avalon huffed out a breath. They sat around the table while breaking their fast, Avalon sat beside Alicent tracing a hand along her thigh trying to keep her calm and relaxed but everything Rhaenyra said was Vicious. Avalon realized as the meal went on that Rhaenyra wished Alicent pain.

"Rhaenyra that is quite enough." Avalon demanded rising from her seat. Viserys stared back at Avalon as he put down his fork.

"Auntie." Rhaenyra sassed.

"I have had quite enough of your attitude these past moons, we all have. Now stop it. Did Aemma not teach you if you dont have anything nice to say then dont say anything at all?" Avalon demanded and Rhaenyra grit her teeth. "Rhaenyra!"

"You are not mother!" Rhaenyra shouted as she got up as well. "Neither is she!" Rhaenyra stabbed a finger at Alicent.

"She is not trying to replace your mother," Avalon corrected.

"She sits the spot and acts all high and mighty." Rhaenyra corrected and Avalons heart broke, this? This was high and mighty? Scared to be alone with Viserys, not wanting to leave her chambers without Avalon... that was high and mighty?

"Rhaenyra enough from you, I dont know what has gotten into you." Avalon declared.

"You used to be on my side!" Rhaenyra shouted.

"I still am. But you are not the girl I knew and loved, my niece would have never treated her best friend, her father, and myself as you have been." Avalon informed her.

"It should have been mine." Rhaenyra hissed, her chair tipped over as she headed out. Avalon huffed a breath shaking her head. She moved to Rhaenyra's fallen chair and fixed it pushing it back in. Viserys and Alicent stared back at her silently.

"Pass the juice please, Viserys." Avalon requested politely. Viserys passed it silently to Alicent who passed it to Avalon she poured herself a cup and took a long sip. Once she placed her cup down she proceeded with her food as if nothing just happened.

"Avalon?" Viserys questioned.

"Yes brother?"

"What did she mean it should have been mine?" Viserys pondered. Avalon shrugged but she knew, she knew what Rhaenyra wanted. The claim, the title, the future crown.

"The heir." Alicent realized. "She thought she would be queen one day after your grace lost your heir." Avalon hummed her agreement through a bite of eggs.

"You think so?" Viserys questioned.

"If the shoe fits." Avalon agreed.

"Well she is not acting like a princess these moons, she is certainly not acting like a queen..." Viserys looked between them. "Speaking of heirs though." He offered awkwardly.

"No." Avalon answered for Alicent.

"I'm not hungry." Alicent whispered as she pushed her plate aside. "Excuse me."

"Viserys, I will let you know when she is-" Avalon reminded him.

"The council-" Viserys corrected.

"Who is the king? YOu or Otto?" Avalon sassed as she folowed after Alicent.

Love Story // Viserys Targaryen // Alicent Hightower / POLYWhere stories live. Discover now