33. Brandon

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"RICKARD!" Avalon declared running forward in the arena.

"Princess." Rickard said fondly. "Its so good to see you again."

"You as well! You as well!" Avalon agreed.  "And you must be Cregan! Your father has told me all about you." Cregan smiled sheepishly up at Avalon as Avalon hugged Rickard tight before kneeling before Cregan. "Are you going to compete?" Cregan shook his head. "Probably best wait until you are a four right?" she mused. Cregan chuckled glancing up at his father.

"How old are you, Cregan? Can you tell the princess." Rickard urged.

"I'm three." Cregan whispered.

"THREE!" Avalon declared. "No wonder you are so cute and kissable, thats the best age!" Cregan giggled into her as she scooped him up kissing his cheek. "The north is too far Rickard." Avalon added.

"I know, I know." he agreed. "I know you are dying to ask." He added.

"How is Brandon?" Avalon agreed.

"Handsome and as cocky as ever." Rickard answered. "He missed out with you, Princess." Avalon smiled down at Cregan, his mop of brown hair and his big toothy smile. "You getting baby fever?"

"Maybe a little bit, but I help with Aegon so I get my fix." Avalon assured.

"Anyone special in mind?" Rickard questioned. "For our future queen."

"No," Avalon corrected. "I am learning a lot from Viserys though about ruling and life."

"Maybe I send Brandon up here." Rickard decided. "Get him off my hands for a while."

"OH I would love to see him again." Avalon agreed. "It's been simply forever."

"Good because he is competing." Rickard nodded to the direwolf flag being brought forward.

"Rickard you tease." Avalon mused. "I should get going, I will see you both after." Avalon hesitated before handing back Cregan. "It was so nice to meet you, Cregan."

"You too." Cregan agreed.

Avalon was a beacon of light. Of course she was. Everyone gravitated towards her. But that was always how she was. It wasnt just her becoming heir and needing a husband that had the men flocking towards her and the women rushing to be near her. Sure it did have a bit tondo with it but those that knew avalon knew her heart and couldnt stay away from her sparkling beacon.

But she knew some added attention was for her marriage less self and everyone wanted to be the next king but avalon wasnt looking for a husband. Not yet at least.

She was however half expecting daemon to show up. As viserys always said he couldnt stay away from the lists and a tourney of this size for Aegon was drawing a lot of attention.


"Brandon," avalon answered hugging him as the trumpets tutted out. "Good luck. We will chat after." Avalon added. Avalon spun around running into handsome as hell, sexy as sin, Harwin. She smiled up at him. "Hi." Avalon whispered. "Good luck ser Harwin."

"Thank you Princess." Harwin answered. Avalon rushed off and Viserys rose a jealous brow as she took a seat beside Alicent.

"You didnt see that." Avalon informed him.

"Oh?" viserys countered before glancing around at all the men staring shamelessly up at Avalon.

"I'm cute, I can't help it." Avalon informed him. Aegon slept curled up in Alicent's arms as Avalon was being flirted with by every man within sight. Alicent sighed thinking their love affair was already done but Avalon leaned into Alicent kissing her cheek.

"Be welcome! We thank you for making the journey to celebrate my son, Aegon." Viserys declared.

Aegon was four moons now, they had to give the houses enough to make the journey if they wanted to, and rickard traveled almost a moon to get here, she was so glad he made the journey with little Cregan.

Daemon didnt show up. Harwin did wonderfully. Brandon beat him though... almost. It was more of a tie. Avalon wasnt paying attention because aegon was crying and fussing. Criston did well. As was to be expected. He beat daemon after all when he first arrived at the capital.

"This is fun," viserys remarked.

"Aegon. Aegon honey," avalon cooed. "Baby boy its okay." Aegon shook his head tipping into her.

"Oh..." Viserys whispered

"Oh vis it is fun. Aegon just needs a nap is all," avalon assured. "I got him you two enjoy the tournament. Brandon already went. I dont miss getting out this heat." Avalon added heading off.

"Did I bore you?" Brandon questioned finding avalon in the halls.

"Brandon." Avalon hugged him again. "You did excellent." She assured. "Aegon had a stinky butt and tired eyes."

"You are such a good aunt." Brandon remarked. "Did you meet Cregan?"

"Yes. Im sure he loved his uncle Brandon," avalon agreed. "He is such a sweetie."

"Gets that from me, obviously."

"Avalons gaurd was Rickard." Alicent recalled. "When she was younger."

"Yes," viserys agreed. "Rickard was always like family to her. Protected her immensely. He is a good man."

"And his younger single brother?" Alicent pondered.

"The Starks are good men." Viserys assured.

"If she married Brandon... would she leave us?" Alicent questioned softly.

"Marriage? Who is talking of marriage?"

Love Story // Viserys Targaryen // Alicent Hightower / POLYHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin