68. Just Like Daemon

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Cregan had just turned 13 and all he wanted was to visit his favorite person in the world. Avalon.

She wrote them often and sent gifts for cregan frequently. But nothing beat in person hugs from Avalon.

Rickard of course agreed loving when he got to see Avalon but no Brandon this time he was in the middle of a possible union and rickard didn't want him messing it up on the long journey south.

Alyssa much like her older siblings loved riding. It wasnt until Aegon got a dragon for himself that he started tormenting Aemond about not having a dragon.

Alyssa and Avalon were out flying as Aegon was training sunfyre, he claimed the most beautiful dragon. The maesters all said sunfyre was the most beautiful. Avalon thought Mouse was the most handsome and no one could tell her otherwise.

"Oi!" Cregan declared seeing Aemonds pouting face. "What's going on?"

Aemond ran off and Aegon turned away embarrassed her got caught.

"Hey stark." Aegon murmured "You didn't see that."

"Whatever you did you will apologize to your brother." Cregan corrected rickard felt so proud.

"Yes sir." Aegon grumbled heading off. That's when they saw mouse descended upon the sky.

"There she is." Rickard said fondly as the beautiful white dragon broke through the clouds shimmering in the sunlight.

"Avalon!" Cregan declared

"Careful cregan!" Rickard begged. "Thats a dragon!"

"Oh honey you have gotten so big and tall like your father." Avalon added.

"Butter me up." Rickard agreed.

"Oh honey let me look at you!" Avalon pulled back smiling back at cregan. "Almost as tall as me already. Happy belated name day sweet boy."

" thank you Avalon you know I only wanted one thing for my name and that was to see you!" Cregan declared, hugging her again

"Ohhh!" Avalon cooed. " I am honored." she didn't let go until he did.

"Who is that?" Vaera declared staring at Cregan. Aemond and Aegon followed her gaze. 

"Some northern boy." Aegon grumbled. 

"He's handsome." Vaera declared with a shimmy to her little shoulders. Aegon's jaw dropped. 

"You called me handsome-"

"You are cute." Vaera corrected. "That man is handsome." 

"Vaera!" Aemond laughed out. 


"YOu are six." Aemond reminded her. 

"I am six." She agreed. "Not blind." She marched over to Cregan and grabbed her mothers hand. "Mama arent you going to introduce me to your handsome friend?" Vaera bat her eyelashes back at Cregan. 

"Cregan, this is my daughter Vaera, Vaera this is Cregan Stark of winterfell and his father Rickard." Avalon introduced. 

"It's an honor to meet you princess." Cregan bowed before her and Vaera curtsied in answer. 

"Your mother has written us all about you.' Rickard agreed. 

"What brings you to the capital?" Vaera questioned moving closer to Cregan. Yep there was something so attractive about a northern man. 

"It was my name day and I wanted to visit your mum." Cregan answered. 

"Really? Why?" Vaera countered. 

"Because he likes me' Avalon offered slightly offended. 

"I like you." Vaera assured glancing back at her mother but there was an attitude to her voice that Avalon didnt like.

"You better love me." Avalon clarified. "I gave you life."

"And you can take it away?" Vaera teased. Avalon pulled Vaera back into her. 

"She's my little trouble maker as you can already tell." Avalon offered. "Come, we will have a feast in your honor. Viserys will be happy to see you as well." Avalon reached out for Cregan and she nudged Vaera along. "Go fetch your brothers." Avalon pointed to Aemond and Aegon. 

"I can show Cregan-"

"Go fetch your brothers." Avalon corrected. "I swear I have wonderful children." Avalon added. 

"She is adorable." Rickard assured. 

"Sometimes" Avalon agreed. "Come, I want to hear all about your adventures, no Brandon?"

"Lets ignore my brothers existence or else he might appear out of thin air." Rickard countered. 

"Got it." Avalon agreed. 

Cregan was tired after the long journey so a short feast filled with treats and dancing was held before avalon promised to take him for a ride on Mouse tomorrow and kissing him goodnight. 

"You are so good with him." Alicent remarked. 

"He's perfect." 

"Oh Rickard you are the sweetest, I always thought you would remarry. Cregan is in need of a mother, that much is clear." Avalon added before she could stop herself. 

"He just loves you." Rickard countered. 

"I'm honored." Avalon assured. "But he wants affection... physical touch, hugs..."

"I'm not really the hugging type." Rickard countered. 

"That boy clung to me like he had been starved of love when he arrived. You were always the sweetest to me Rickard, took such good care of me. I know you are raising a strong and capable young man but-"

"There was a woman. She gave me a bastard and died soon after. Cregan and her didnt get along which was why i didnt marry her. He just loves you."

"Move south!" Avalon offered. Rickard cocked his head back at her. "I love him. He needs all the hugs, this is the time before he turns into a monster like my six year old."

"Vaera... " Rickard chuckled. 


"She reminds me of Daemon."

"Dont say that. He gave viserys hell for years!" Avalon begged. 

"SHe has his energy." Rickard offered. "ANd his-"

"Dont!" Avalon whined pouring another glass of wine. 

"-Attitude. Alyssa however is sweet like you."

"Vaera started out sweet like me." Avalon countered. "Gods... like Daemon. I see it..."

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