48. Steal You

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"Viserys is in a meeting,  can I steal you?" Alicent questioned. Avalon nodded following her into Helaena's chambers, the room was cleared and Alicent leaned in kissing her quickly, the door clicked closed as Avalon's back pressed against the surface. 

"Not in front of the baby." Avalon mused. Alicent chuckled leaning into Avalon, avalon kissed her forehead. Alicent always felt so safe with Avalon. 

 "Helaena is fast asleep." Alicent corrected getting closer wrapping her arms around Avalon and kissing her neck. Avalon leaned back into her tilting her head as Alicent's lips dragged along her neck. Avalon trapped ALicents arms against her.

"Its not proper." Avalon mused. "But thats what makes it so much fun, doesnt it?." Alicent squealed as Avalon bit her neck. 

"You are right, Not here." Alicent whispered "Not against the door like savages..." Alicent glanced to the fireplace. "There is quite romantic." Avalon smiled, kissing the corner of her lips leading her to the soft rub before the small fire. 

 Alicent bunched up her dress, while Avalon started stripping her layers. 

"Take it off." Avalon purred. 

"Help me." Alicent countered and Avalons smile quirked up.

"Gladly." Avalon agreed pulling at the knotted strings, tugging at the boddice of the dress.

After all this time, each time with Avalon was new and exciting and breathtakingly stunning. Alicent wondered if Avalon's touch would be as much exhilarating as the first touch every time for the rest of their lives. Alicent felt herself needing to form a fantasy so that she could think about it, to let her mind drift to that often, when she could only long for Avalon from across the room. 

Avalon tugged it off throwing it aside leaving her in her under slip. Avalons hands moved up her thighs pushing it up too but Alicent stopped her locking eyes with her as Avalon's hand lingered on Alicent's thigh. Alicent watched her as she sat between Alicent's legs looking back at her. Hands sliding over her thighs and hips, running along the crease of her hip.

'The Step stones were meant to be won for the realm, but over the past few days, it seems we have traded a crabfeeder for a sea snake. This is clearly a rebuke for passing over Lady Laena for Queen alicent.' Tyland Lannister remarked as the council listened intently.

'Years have passed since the business with his daughter. Certainly, he cannot still be wrathful?' Viserys pondered. He wanted to get back to Avalon, he wondered where she had run off to. 

'The Sea Snake is an over-proud man, to be sure, Your Grace. That pride has been injured. Perhaps we can salve the wound?'

'I fear Lord Corlys's pride is the least of our worries. I don't wish to cause you further distress, Your Grace, but my brother has sent disturbing word from Old town. Lord Corlys is said to have engaged in negotiations with the Sea lord of Braavos. He plans to wed his daughter Laena to the Sealord's son. If House Velaryon entered into an alliance with the Free Cities... then... we would have to seek our own marriage pact.' Otto remarked confidently. Viserys looked at Rhaenyra, she was not the heir, why would Corlys want her for his son? No, not his Avalon. Never his avalon. He refused. 

Avalon and Alicent lay in bed, their legs entwined. Avalon's left hand lightly stroking the soft skin of her back. She bent her head forward and softly kissed Alicent. The look Alicent gave her was full of love. 


"What are you doing?" Avalon questioned, catching Daemon looking sneaky.

"Nothing." Daemon said innocently.

"Whats with the hood?" Avalon countered.

"Nothing." Daemon repeated. "You want to have some fun?" Daemon questioned.

"What are you up to?" Avalon questioned.

"Live a little." Daemon begged grabbing onto her hands.

"I love you but don't make me lock you up." Avalon warned.

"I like bondage." Daemon told her. "I can tie you up."

"That's not what I meant and you know it Dae." Avalon reminded.

"I'm helping RHaenyra live a little, come with me baby girl." Daemon begged picking her up, Avalon laughed out as he spun her around. "I know you like Rhaenyra, let her live a little." Avalon nodded kissing his cheek. "You missed my lips gorgeous." 

''Good night, Ser Criston.' Rhaenyra said as she retired for the night, she heard the cries of Alicents new daughter, her screams echoed. Blasted babies in the capital, never get another good nights rest again. Never get anything ever again. She was becoming obsolete. 

'Sleep well, Princess.' She closed the door only to see a bag in her room, she dumped out the contents and it revealed dirty clothes, rags really and a scroll. She opened it up and it wasn't a note but a map. She looked at the wall paneling. She pushed the bench away and a hidden passageway opened up she stumbled in.

'Be careful Daemon." Avalon requested. He reached out for her. 

"Come with, please, I really wanted you but Viserys seems to have you under lock and key." Daemon begged. 

"Dont get into trouble." Avalon corrected. 

"Come, let me love you- remember when you were little and-"

"Dont bring Rhaenyra to such scandalous places." Avalon demanded. Daemon chuckled as Avalon headed off. "I mean it Dae!" she warned. 

"You are so ferocious." Daemon agreed. 

Rhaenyra changed into the clothes, following the passageway she wasn't surprised to see Daemon waiting for her. 

'Where are we going?' she questioned as they wandered through the streets, Rhaenyra had never been out after dark, not like this. She was surprised and amazed at everything and everyone. She got to be no one.

Avalon was glad no one asked her about Rhaenyra, maybe she didnt leave, she noticed Criston Cole at her door, so maybe Daemon was just messing with her. 

Love Story // Viserys Targaryen // Alicent Hightower / POLYWhere stories live. Discover now