79 That was Stupid

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''It fills me with unrelenting shame.' Lyonel remarked.

''So that's what this is about then? Your shame.'' Harwin countered

''Our shame, Harwin!'' Lyonel shouted back. ''Shame on the whole of House Strong.'

''Because I laid my hands on that insufferable Cole, the son of a steward?'' Harwin countered

''He is a Knight of the Kingsguard now, a defender of the crown.'' Lyonel corrected through an exasperated breath.

''He assailed Prince Jacaerys,.'' they were both shouting to no avail, Harwin was going to protect his sons.

"He keeps saying he is fine." Alicent muttered.

"But he was a puddle on the ground and they had to mop him up." Avalon agreed. "I can't believe this."

"The maesters are tending to him, a broken rib probably." Alicent went on.

"And nose no doubt the way it bled."

''You have laid us open to accusations of an uglier treachery.'' Lyonel spat

''And what treachery is that?'' Harwin countered annoyed.

''Don't play the fool with me, boy. Your intimacy with the Princess Rhaenyra is an offense that would mean exile and death... for you, for her, for the children!'' Lyonel reminded him sternly.

''It is rumor only... spun by the Princess's rivals'' Harwin hissed.

''People have eyes, boy. Yet His Grace the King, it seems, will not accept what his eyes see. This flimsy shield alone stands between you and the headsman." Lyonel told him ''The willful blindness of a father towards his child.''

"I have to find Harwin, dismiss him." Avalon remarked.

"I know that this is hard for you." Alicent added. "He was your friend."

"He still is but after what Vaera told me... she was terrified. I... I can't trust him right now." Avalon rasped, her chest feeling tight.

''I wish my father affected a similar blindness.'' Harwin hissed

''Have I not these many years? And yet today, you publicly assaulted a Knight of the Kingsguard in the, in the defense of your...''

''You have your honor and I have mine.'' Harwin told him solemnly.

"Excuse me," Avalon whispered soft like a mouse. "Might I... interrupt."

"Of course your grace." Lyonel agreed bowing before her. Harwin turned stiffly to Avalon. Lyonel elbowed him. Harwin bowed. Harwin cared for Avalon, she was always sweet to him but Rhaenyra's bitterness had rubbed off on him unintentionally.

"Harwin... what you did today was foolish... but he egged you on with purpose of making you react and admit what we all know." Avalon offered gently.


"Your grace." Lyonel demanded of his son.

"Your grace," Harwin agreed. "I dont know what-"

"Your father and my husband have been willfully blind to your and rhaenyra's actions but you confirmed it today but your outrage to Criston today. Now under normal circumstances, Criston would be sacked as well but considering he is our most trusted guard and friend, I dont allow that to happen." Avalon admitted.

"You will protect him." Harwin scoffed.

"I will protect him and you. You can't be commander if you are beating up your officers. You can't be commander iif you are fucking the princess. You can't be commander if-"

"I get it." Harwin muttered.

"You are a good knight Harwin, a great knight. I want you to take some time and figure out what you want. WHat you need from life. Maybe a family will do that."

"The boys-"

"Have a father. They had you as their training officer but they have a father in Laenor Velaryon." Avalon reminded him. "Harwin you are the most cuddly and sweetest man in the world when you love someone. But when you turn your anger on someone its this red hot rage that threatens to take over your soul." Avalon declared. Harwin's face turned down.

"I just wanted to protect them."

"Criston is going to be reprimanded for his actions too. Sending Aegon up against Jace like that was not fair. Vaera told me what happened. She explained everything in full detail, she was terrified of you." Avalon added and Harwin felt awful. "She was worried you would hurt Aegon or Aemond or even herself. How you had to be pulled from Criston's limp body. You understand why I can't allow you in the capital anymore?"

"Avalon I'm so-"

"Your grace." Lyonel corrected again.

"Sorry!" Harwin declared. "I wasnt thinking, I didnt think, I was just so angry-"

"And you terrified my vaera." Avalon agreed, tears forming in her eyes. "Harwin. You need to take some time, cool off... far away from my children. I won't have them be scared in their own home."

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Avalon I never meant-"

"Your grace."

"-to go that far and I would never hurt the children."

"Vaera didnt know that. She is a child and she saw you trying to kill her friend, a man that has done nothing but protect her for ages." Avalon corrected. "I'm sorry it had to be this way... if you will excuse me I have to deal with a broken Criston." She added heading off.

Criston was asleep when she got to him, she pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead. She stayed close and whispered.

"That was stupid. You are lucky to be alive, Cole."

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