28. Sleepy Head

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"We tired her out". Avalon remarked glancing back at alicent. Viserys looked past avalons naked frame to a sleeping alicent at the other end of the bed. Avalon curled into viserys kissing his chest. Viserys pulled her closer. He ran a hand over her leg that was draped over him. He squeezed her ass kissed along her neck. Avalon giggled softly as she arched into him.

"You and I-"

Avalon tsked in return. Viserys sighed holding her closer.

"I feel like im getting the short end of the stick." Viserys whispered. Avalon shook her head.

"Your stick is not short at all." Avalon corrected. Viserys brow furrowed confused before a laugh overtook him.

"Thank you my love." Viserys finally answered kissing the top of her head. She placed three delicate kisses on his chest.

Alicent and Viserys were... married. They were not friends. They were not anything. Yet when Avalon was with them they were content. 

Alicent yawned out stretching out over the bed. Avalon and Viserys were not in bed anymore and she was all alone. She was in the kings bed, it was the biggest bed which was good because of the three of them sleeping together but now it was just her. Alicent smiled stretching out like a starfish. She let the blankets settled around her and she sunk into the bed, the lush pillows. 

THen the door pushed open and voices met her ears, she didnt know why but she closed her eyes pretending to sleep. 

"Shhh," Viserys hushed Avalon's giggles and Alicent heard a tray clink as it was put down. Avalon swatted a hand at him. She picked up the tea cup and brought it to her lips. "Sugar?"

"Yes please." Avalon agreed holding out her cup.  Alicent turned peeling her eyes open as the siblings spoke softly over their cups. They headed out to the balcony and Avalon sat in Viserys lap kissing his cheek. Alicent watched as Viserys wrapped his arms around Avalon snuggling her in close. 

It was a good family to be married into. A good relationship to have, Alicent thought as Avalon and Viserys spoke softly not wanting to wake Alicent. She sat up in bed thinking about how this might work in ten years from now or maybe when Avalon got married herself. Would she get married and leave them? WOuld Avalon grow bored of being a third, even though Viserys and Alicent wanted her most. 

"Morning sleepy head." Avalon cooed. Alicent smiled as Avalon waved from the window. "Tea?"  Alicent shook her head. "Cookies?" Alicent chuckled shaking her head. "You alright?" 

"Just tired." Alicent assured as Avalon came in jumping on the bed. "Maybe I will take that tea." she added. 

"Vis!" Avalon declared. Viserys got up pouring the tea. 


"Im late." Alicent realized. Avalon smiled softly and hugged her firmly. "What if I'm not ready?" Alicent whispered into Avalon. 

"You will be." Avalon assured. "You will be great."

"Avalon I'm scared." 

"I can't give you a motivational speech about childbirth because it scares me too." Avalon admitted. "My mother died giving birth to me, it happens all the time." Alicent nodded. 

"I'm not scared of death." Alicent corrected. 

"Oh, then what are you scared of?" 

"That I mess this kid up because I'm not ready to be a mum" Alicent whimpered. 

"Oh honey, no one is ready until they have a child and raise said child, maybe not even then." Avalon countered. "viserys is still learning. But you have me, through it all. I swear it." 

Love Story // Viserys Targaryen // Alicent Hightower / POLYWhere stories live. Discover now