76. Bleeding

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"I swear after viserys talked with her i honestly thought— but now i just don't know!" Avalon declared

"We will find out soon enough." Alicent reminded her. Avalon sighed back into her as criston knocked on the door.

"Come in Criston." Avalon agreed.

"Alyssa, your grace." Criston remarked as a sleepy eyed alyssa walked in.

"Hi baby girl," avalon cooed. "Whats wrong?"

"Im so tired." Alyssa yawned out curling up in avalons lap. "That woman keeps screaming."

Alyssa was all of three years old and she liked her sleep uninterrupted by screams of childbirth. Alyssa liked her routines and that included her mama coming to wake her up with kisses and bread or biscuits for breaking fast with a big glass of juice. She didnt like to be jolted awake by death screams from across the castle.

"I'm so sorry baby, I know you like your sleep just like I do." Avalon agreed. She looked to Alicent, Alicent leaned in pressing a long kiss to Avalon's cheek, resting her forehead on Avalon's shoulder and stroking little Alyssa's back.

"I want it to be Laenors." Avalon assured. "I want them to have a child a real heir... I want Corlys and Rhaenys to see this babe and not curse our name." 

"She doesnt care." Alicent countered. "Or else she wouldnt be so reckless." 

"If she would have just asked... I could have allowed some sort of something, I dont know, like what we have." Avalon whispered as Alyssa fell back asleep easily in Avalon's lap. 

"I doubt Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys would agree to such things." Alicent countered. "Not with driftmark on the line, they would never have an heir." 

"Laena's children. I heard laenor say she had two, then Daemon wrote telling me the news. Girls... I know RHaenyra wants a little girl and Laena wants a little boy for Daemon no doubt... I just wish everyone would come together, we could figure something out to benefit the children... The kids met their uncle Daemon once, twice? He was my whole world for as long as I could remember and now he is just gone and refuses to return... it breaks my heart."

''Let me take him.'' Laenor offered

''No, she'll get no such satisfaction from me. Just take my arm, at the least.'' Rhaenyra told him stubbornly and he held onto her trying to help her walk.

''Was it terribly painful?''

''Oh gods.'' Rhaenyra grumbled men knew nothing of birthing pain.

''I took a lance through the shoulder once.'' Laenor remarked.

"My deepest sympathies."

"My sweet Avalon, you take the weight of the world on your shoulders." Alicent remarked gently. 

"Thats because when I'm queen one day- I mean you know what I mean, without Viserys to..."

"I understand." Alicent agreed. "We are Queens but we are still below the king on the totem pole of lie." 

"The princess is here." Criston remarked. 

"Why?" Avalon countered looking to Alicent. 

"I wanted to see the babe, not her." Alicent admitted as Criston turned back around, Rhaenyra moved sluggishly to the door. 

''Princess.'' Criston remarked opening the door for them.

"Alicent." Avalon tsked.  She shrugged. 

"You wanted to know too." Alicent whispered before rising up. ''Rhaenyra! You should be resting after your labors.'' Alicent declared

''I have no doubt that you would prefer that, Your Grace.'' Rhaenyra seethed.

"Honestly Rhaenyra you are still bleeding, you should be in bed." Avalon agreed she moved a grumbled Alyssa to the bed and tucked her in. But Alyssa woke up rubbing at tired eyes staring back at her. 

"mama." Alyssa whispered. 

"Look a new baby, love." Avalon remarked. 

"I'm perfectly fine." Rhaenyra hissed. Avalon moved to Rhaenyra but she basically growled back at Avalon. Avalon tried not to take it personally. 

''You must sit. Talya, fetch a cushion for the Princess.'' Alicent instructed and a cushion was placed on the couch for her.

''There's no need.''

''Nonsense." Alicent waved a hand. 

''Your Grace.'' Talya said nodding to the queen as she left. Rhaenyra sat with a groan.

"I will fetch your father." Avalon offered heading off and reemerging with Viserys but a moment later. 

''What happy news this morning.'' Viserys declared leaning heavily on Avalon, she kissed his temple stroking his back. Alyssa waved at Viserys and he waved back, offering her a small smile. Alyssa was their little sassy love. viserys knew avalon wanted more children. Another boy and another girl, a slew of children. She wanted more before she couldnt have any anymore. Viserys wanted to give it to her but he was so tried with the new treatment. 

'Indeed, Your Grace.'' Laenor remarked.

''Where is he? Where is my grandson? There. There he is. Oh.'' Viserys took him from Rhaenyra and held him up. ''A fine Prince. Sturdy. Strong. You will make a fearsome knight.'' Viserys told her and Rhaenyra scowled in return but tried to keep her expression indifferent, she knew her father meant strong as in strength but she knew what Avalon and Alicent heard, the look they shared at the word Strong. ''Yes, you will.'' He added softly to the babe.

''Does the babe have a name yet?'' Alicent questioned

''We haven't spoken...'' Rhaenyra began as Laenor spoke up

'Joffrey. He'll be called Joffrey.'' Laenor told them proudly.

"Thats lovely." Avalon agreed. "Sweet little JOffrey." Rhaenyra didnt like that one bit. 

'That's an unusual name for a Velaryon.'' Alicent remarked.

''I do believe he has his father's nose.'' Viserys offered with a chuckle. Alicent looked at the little black hairs on Joffrey's head. ''Don't you?'' Viserys offered.

''If you don't mind, Your Grace, your daughter has exerted herself heroically and should rest.'' Laenor offered.

"Of course she has, she should still be resting, do you need help getting back?" Avalon questioned. 

Not from you, Rhaenyra wanted to shout but held her tongue. 

"Of course not, you have your strong and handsome husband to help you." Alicent added. 

''Of course. There.'' Viserys passed Joffrey back off to Rhaenyra ''Well done, my girl.'' Viserys kissed her cheek ''I do hope the labor was easy.''

''I think I called the midwife a cunt.'' Rhaenyra remarked thinking of another woman she wanted to cuss at in this moment.

''Oh. Do keep trying, Ser Laenor'' Alicent whispered. ''Sooner or later, you may get one who looks like you.'' She offered. Alyssa jumped up staring down at joffrey. 

"He's ugly." Alyssa decided. "Are all babies ugly?"

"You are perfect." Avalon corrected. "He is sweet Laenor, but she is right... most babies are ugly when they first come out." Laenor laughed out as Avalon gave him a gentle hug. "Will you write your family?"

"I.... will." Laenor agreed. Avalon gave a tight smile. 

"I'm sure they will be proud, another son." 

"Thank you, Avalon."

"You have raised such good boys, I know you would rather be on the seas fighting, its what you were born to do but I'm glad you have stayed for them and for Rhaenyra... even if she doesnt appreciate it." Avalon added. "The boys do. They need their father. They need you."

''You don't... think to consult me before you name my child?'' Rhaenyra hissed as they left.

''He's our child, is he not?'' Laenor offered

''Only one of us is bleeding.''

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