89 " showdown "

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Maybe this was the last time I was yelling at him so bad . I was typing out of anger and Boling sensations which hit my head so bad .I reminded him of each and everything I did and what I got . How I was at the blame.  I knew it wasn't the right time but I couldn't hold on I talked to him about how I was confused and stuck between two situations  .one was according to him and one was according to my friends and Adrian. I chose him .regardless of that I wasn't even getting the same treatment which made me choose this decision.  He was continously going online and offline .he wasn't picking my call up . I knew something was wrong at this moment .don't know if Adrian could have done something to him ? .if he had changed again ? . He never really loved me maybe he heard I was moving  on . His number was switched off soon in a hour .I was confirmed.  After a lot of calls of Desperation and anxiety .I received a single text of him . " hey I will talk to you later,police has been tracing my number ,I will talk to you when I buy a new number " . Soon after two days his profile picture was removed and I never heard from him since days .I was upset with everyone and everything. College was going to open and I wasn't excited at all this time .

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