ep 67 " black and white "

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Soon the festival was over .things can't be same ,smooth and beautiful always . Like the seasons change,like phases of moon  .one have to encounter every part of the journey . Things became very frustrating and dry now . Days were passing by . Each night Cameron's thought was stuck to grace ' s mind . She was thinking why every time she tries to build a home .only she is seen fixing the cracks .others just relay upon her .she knew not everyone is perfect but why her . Cameron was confused of her maybe and Adrian was sure but he was cutting her wings slowly and it was natural as Adrian was scared of loosing her yet he didn't understand  " slow process " of forgetting exes . He wanted emmidiate love, attention . Adrian was becoming more and more obsessed.  As the result of growing frustration in grace and binge bunch ( raylyn,Kate, jade ) 's narrow mindedness conflicts took place grace became as dramatic as their interference.  Siara was arriving soon . A list of questions were ready for her . Grace and binge bunch still thought If the guy could have been black mailing her maybe because she appeared to be soo in love with siara on the other hand Sam ' s proofs and tears flashed breaking The thought  .nobody wanted to talk to siara but she called grace on the day she was coming to college .blocked calls showed up and grace also dealt with her politely but not as earlier . Adrian and grace was sitting near each other .

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