Vol 3.3: Island special exam- Part III

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"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me! Kouenji, you jerk! What the hell were you thinking?!" The normally silent Yukimura shouted and kicked the

The second morning of the island exam, Chabashira-sensei informed us that the Kouenji had retired.

I knew Kouenji was a free spirit, but I never imagined he would just up and retire like this.

I've got a splitting headache. The flu made it a bit difficult for me when I got to the island and I thought it wouldn't affect me too seriously.

But now, taking on the position of leader and hearing the news of Kouenji sneaking onto the ship like this, my head feels like it was struck by lightning.

Now I understand why she didn't want to be the leader.

But fortunately, Ike, who I always thought would be of no use, suddenly showed great potential in survival, forcing me to have a different look at him.

There is also Hirata that acts as a mediator that brings people together.

People who I thought were burdens are now showing their own potential. Of course I still better than all of them.

Nearly all of them.

I looked towards the tree where she was sitting yesterday.

Ieri Yusane.

My first impression of her can be summed up in just one word.


When I first saw her, what caught my eye was the image of a high school girl wearing a eye-patch. Not the kind that people usually see in pirate movies or medical patches, but an eye patch connected to a headband that covers most of the left side of the face.

Along with that, the indifferent atmosphere around reminded me of a veteran I once saw in my hometown.

And that was also the beginning of countless meetings and contacts later.

Initially, I just wanted to make her my pawn since she was quite useful in many ways.

But the longer I was with her, I realized this person was not as simple as I had previously thought.

She can make sharp judgments and deductions and come up with an unbelievable solution to overcome difficulties in a moment. But a few seconds later she suddenly became silly and chatty with the behavior of a five year old child and then returned to a contemplative person with different perspectives on reality.

It makes me confused, confused as to which is her real face. And then the climax was when she said those words.

She's a liar.

So everything she showed up until now were nothing than a liars? Or maybe only a half was a liar?

I don't know! I really... don't know anyway about her.

Now, I'll bet on her. After all, if something bad happens, I can still take care of everything.

I need to focus on controlling my class's camp, but at the same time I also think of a question

Ieri Yusane.

What happens inside your mind?


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