Chap 6- Welcome

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May 1.

A new month.

It's time.

In the remaining two weeks, our class had finally started to act like a proper class.

They were aware of the danger right in front of them so they couldn't hide anymore.

Although a few idiot still decided to act up or cause trouble but the majority of the class immediately reprimanded and fixed them until they acted like proper students.

Even Sudo no longer sleeps in the class.

I am definitely 100% confident that we won't end up with the landmine.



I mean I've never been wrong at the moment like this.

Well rarely.

I opened my phone while still praying.

It's showed that I only received 51,000 points.

So it's real.

Of course how could I be wrong?

I walked to the class.

Everyone immediately looked at me.

Be patient, Yusane, don't show any trepidation, just look forward.

"G-good morning" Someone said.

"Morning." I replied.

Hirata was about to come towards me when Chabashira-sensei walked into the classroom, holding a rolled-up paper in one hand.

She seemed light, and if you noticed, you could almost tell that she's preventing from smiling.

That's good news, isn't it?

Still I refused to show any expression and tried to remain calm.

"Good morning Class ." She greeted us.

"Good morning sensei." My class greeted back like a proper class.

“Alright, morning homeroom is starting. Are there any questions before we start? If there’s something on your mind, feel free to speak up.”

Chabashira-sensei said.

No one said anything, everyone was silent waiting for Chabashira-sensei words.

"Ok, if you don't have any questions, I will begin the main topic." Satisfied with that, she spoke.

She spread out the white poster that was rolled into a tube. Taking a magnet, she stuck it onto the board. My classmates looked in shock.

Their eyes both landed on the only word.

Class points

I can hear my seatmate mutter something to herself whilst in a shock face.

"Take a good look at your points Class D, or should I call Class C now." Chabashira-sensei said with a faint smile.


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