Chap 11- Helping

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Yusane-PoV (Day before midterms, end of class hours)

Everyone about to stand up and prepare to leave but before they could do that, I immediately grabbed their attention.

"HOLD UP" I yelled.

Everyone stopped while I began to stand up and went in front of the whole class.

"What's the matter, Ieri-san?" Hirata asked.

Everyone looked at me, Horikita seemed curious on what I was gonna do.

"All of you worked hard, right?" I faced the whole class and asked.

They all seemed confused but nodded.

"Yeah, it's tiring!" Ike expressed his feeling loudly and clearly.

Everyone started to complain too.

"Yeah.... I'm exhausted."

"Everything we learned suddenly changed."

"I'm not sure whether I can pass the test or not."

Everyone keep continue to complain and I began to talk loudly.

"It seems like everyone is tired, doesn't it?" I said and took out a stack of papers with the old test answers and handed it to Hirata.

"Give one sheet to everyone. It contains the old midterms test answers and I can be sure that it contains the same set of questions as this year's test."

Everyone's eyes widened "What???!!"

"Are you serious?" Ike said when he took a sheet.

"So everything we've done so far is meaningless?" Yamauchi said.

"H-how did you get this?" Hirata asked when he looked at the sheet.

"I took it from once senpai, and I got the previous test just for sure it's the same."

"Thank you once again, Ieri-san "

"You're really awesome!"

"This is a secret from all the other classes! Let’s all do well and succeed!" Ike shouted out loud with determination.

"Okay,.... So I'm leaving now." I said and got out of class.

Ahhhh, it's too difficult for me to receive these words of thanks.

I walked down the hallway and began making my way back to the dormitories.

"Ieri-san, hold on just a minutes."

"Ahhhh I don't wanna hear anythingggg" I covered my ears and started walking faster ignoring Horikita's call.

She catching up to me until she eventually reached my side and walked with me.

"Old test papers. I never thought to use that. I’m also thankful that you went to see if these questions were still valid to use.”

I keep continue to walk, trying to ignore her.

But she continued "Also, I think it was right to announce it today, after school. If word got out earlier, everyone would’ve probably lost motivation. You did a good move."

Keep walking.

"In short, thank you very much for everything up to now. If you weren’t here, the study group, nó, the entire class mau fail this test."

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