Vol 2.4- Trial, judgment.

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Today is Monday.

It was just one day until the meeting between Sudou and Class D.

After homeroom finished for the day, I was wandering around when I suddenly saw something on the bulletin board by the stairway’s landing.

A paper on the board said that they were looking for students with information related to Sudou and Class D?


As I scanned the message, I was quite impressed…

“Good morning, Ieri-san!” Ichinose called out from behind me.

She must have just arrived.

“I saw the paper on the bulletin board. Is this your work, Ichinose?”

Ichinose joined me in looking at the board. She appeared deeply

"Ahh so you saw it. Well, it's not my work."

“Huh? This wasn’t you?”

I’d thought that surely this was her strategy.

“This strategy is— Ah, he’s here! Kanzaki-kun.”

Ichinose raised her hand up and signaled to a lone male student.

The boy who was standing from afar watching us and approached us with quiet steps.

"Please introduce you to who made this method, Kanzaki-kun from Class B, and this is Ieri-san
from Class C.”

“Nice to meet you, Kanzaki-kun. My name is Ieri Yusane.”

"Nice to meet you too. My name is Kanzaki Ryuji." He said as he offered his hand for a shake.

His demeanor was stiff, but he appeared to be a serious student. He was tall and slender. A pretty boy, but in a different way from Hirata. I took his outstretched hand.

“So how’s it going, Kanzaki-kun? Did you get anything reliable?”

“Unfortunately, I haven’t received any useful information.”

“I see. Well, how about we look at the bulletin board.”

“At the bulletin board? Did you put up another poster?”

Ichinose wore a thin smile, indicating it was something else.

“Have you ever checked out the school homepage? There’s a message board. I requested that people come forward with information there. I said that if there anyone witnessed a violent incident at our school, I’d like to hear about it.” She said as she showed us her phone’s screen.

It showed a message seeking out witnesses, as well as a count for the number of people who’d viewed it. The displayed number was still only in the dozens, but it
was much more efficient than asking people directly.

"Oh and.... what about the points? Are you going to pay them yourself?"

"Ah please don’t worry. We just decided to do that on our own."

Sometimes I sort of doubt her kindness. Not many people who would go this far for someone they don't even know nor they should care about. Ichinose doesn't even know Sudo yet she still helping us and her class seems to be on board with her.

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