Vol 3.2: Island special exam- Part II

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In a large hole under the
mountainside, an entrance into a cave, there are two people entering it.

"Wow Katsuragi-san! It's just like you said, there's a cave here!"

"Speak softly Yahiko. Your echoes can attract attention outside."

"Sorry Katsuragi-san. I was so excited." Yahiko lowered his volume and spoke in an apologetic tone.

But not long after, he saw something ahead "Hey! Is that.....a spot?"

"What?!" Katsuragi turned his head towards Yahiko pointed, where he saw a square object with an electronic screen that was operating completely with the dark space of the cave.

"Let's check it." Both approaches that object with their fastest speed.

"It's truly a spot! With this, those guys in Sakayanagi side won't complain about your ability."

"Huhm. Right! What an unexpected income. Now we should plan for the next steps. Yahiko do not rush to–"


While Katsuragi had not finished speaking, Yahiko registered the spot.


"What? We should take over this spot as soon as possible right?"

"Yes, but not in this careless way! If someone sees us out of the cave while the spot has been registered, they can easily know that the leader is one of us."

"W-Well, ehhh. I-I don't think it will be s-so serious."

"Haizz. Alright, give me your leader card."

"Ehh?! For what?"

"I will take this card and stand in the entrance, so if anyone happened to go through, they would think I was the leader. And you check if this cave is large enough to be a shelter or not."

"Ahh! You're a genius Katsuragi-san. Alright leave it to me!"

Katsuragi took the card and went out to the cave entrance, after a while Yahiko came out and reported "In a cave this size, we should have enough room for two tents, Katsuragi-san. We sure were lucky. We secured a spot really quickly."

"Luck? What are you talking about? I figured that there was a cave here even before we landed. Do you think I came here blindly.

“S-sorry. But when you say ‘since before we landed’, what do you mean?”

“Before the ship docked at the pier, it had already taken a trip around the island as a detour for some reason. From the ship’s deck, I noticed a path that cut through the forest. All I had to do was take the shortest route from the pier after we’d landed to the path.”

“B-but it might’ve been just a chance for us to enjoy the scenery.”

“That was far too long of a roundabout for sightseeing. Besides, the announcement was strange, too.”

“I didn’t notice anything at all, and yet… Katsuragi-san, you managed to see the school’s true intentions. Because of that, you understood there was a cave here. Just as we’d expect from you!”

“Let’s go to the next one, Yahiko. It’s pointless to linger here after
we’ve claimed the spot. There’s a path to two other places that I noticed from the ship. There should be some kind of facility up ahead.”

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