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I slowly flutter my eyes open, closing them when the sunlight hits my eyes. I turn around to see Dante sleeping peacefully. This is the most peaceful I've seen him since I met him. He was as peaceful as a little baby sleeping. 

I manage to get up and change into a comfy outfit. Before I leave, I look again and see that Dante was still sleeping so I quickly left the room, avoiding any talks after what happened yesterday. Sebastian was coming to me in a rush. "Is Dante awake, we're supposed to leave soon." Seb said, earning an extremely confused look from me. Extremely was an understatement. Where did they plan to go? "The damn business trip, he didn't tell you?" Seb said, looking shocked. "No uh.. He told me I just forgot." I smile walking back into the room to wake up Dante. Of course he didn't tell me! Who am I anyways? 

I suck in a long breath before slowly shaking Dante awake. "You're going to be late for your uhm... business trip." I said nervously as he kept looking at me. Dante Romano was going to be the end of me. "Get up, I'll pack your luggage." I smiled at him so he felt a sense of comfort. Truth is I couldn't stop thinking about how I felt bad for him. He didn't have a good relationship with his father, his family was Rose and Seb. His own father wasn't family to him. I'm not sure if after our deal we'll remain friends but I wanted to be nice to him. For him to see I didn't have an obsession with money.

I turn around heading to the closet as Sebastian enters. I chose to pack Dante everything I loved on him. One dress shirt and the rest was going to be comfy clothes. Dante always wore a suit, every damn time.  Not this time though, this time it was up to me.

I take the luggage and go back to Dante, over hearing him say he's screwed. "You can go Seb, I'll be there in an hour." Dante said as soon as I came back.
"Thank you." He says getting up and heading to the bathroom, I sit back on the bed scrolling on my phone.

I find an email from the hospital, reading it slowly I realize I got my job back. I quickly called Amber. "I got the job back, they fired that bitch!" I tell Amber excitedly, "thank god! It was getting really boring without you. When can you start?" "Today." I say happily, gosh I was excited. "meet you there?" I say earning a yes from her.

I get up quickly running to the closet, changing into leggings and an oversized hoodie. I quickly put on a little bit of mascara before grabbing my phone. "Where are you going?" Dante asks, gosh he was annoying. "Work." I reply walking to the door before he blocks my way. "You're not going anywhere. Your food will come to your room but while I'm gone you're not allowed to leave the room, the guard outside will lock the door."

"You fucking asshole! This is about my damn career!" I yell at him, "If I don't go, consider this marriage done, I will send proof to your dad that it was all fake just so you could take the business over." I say, my words shocking him.

"I could care less, I can find anyone else who would agree without being a pain in the ass. No wonder you're still single, because people can't stand you." He mutters, he had a lot of nerves to say that to me, because I was going to leave and I wasn't going to come back. If he could really get someone to agree to a stupid marriage like this then let the show begin, I'd like to see him try.

"I could say the same, didn't you get cheated on? Guess you weren't enough for her so she went to look for a real man, one that could stay away from trouble, someone who could actually be nice. You're an albatross around the neck. I can pay my own debt, I don't need your help anymore. Jesus Dante, you won't even warm up to Rose or your dad. That's the problem, you won't let people help you and be there for you." I pause not realizing I said all of that. "My dream was to marry someone who I love so dearly, someone I could turn to at any time, someone who I can cry to. That's the difference between me and you. I look for good things in a relationship, you on the other hand can't commit to anything. You have the same problem as your father, yet you say you hate him." I say sitting back on the bed, shooting Amber a text saying I won't be able to come.

I email the hospital and tell them I will get back to them about when I can start soon. Gosh my life was hell, only because I wanted to be a generous daughter and pay off my father's bills. I sigh, when Dante comes and sits beside me.

"Teach me how I can warm up to people." Dante says almost shocking me. "Teach me how to be nice and trust people, isn't that what you want?" Dante asked, wait, he was doing this for me? I couldn't let that happen, "you have to be willing to change, you have to change for yourself." I say to him.

"Ok so teach me, I won't be a douchebag." He says nervously, his hands slowly shaking. I grab a hold of his hand, "I'll help you but I need you to trust me, anything you say to me will stay between us." I half smile at him, Dante wanting to change is a big step. When you're a doctor you are taught to help people through everything, or at least my parents taught me that.

"I want you to tell me what's been bothering you, what is making you be so cold with everyone?" I asked him hoping he would answer. It takes a lot of courage to open up to people but if we had to stand each other for the next few months, we had to trust each other. Dante takes a deep breath, "the fear of getting close to them and then losing them. Or I guess whatever the public calls me or thinks of me has an effect too. I never thought to commit to anything, I'm a fun time for everyone. Everyone around me says that, even Sebastian. That now I don't care enough to prove them wrong but it still stings as hell when they think that way about me. " Dante said, shocking me. We hated each other so much that I never thought that was something he was struggling with. We're both to blame for not being there for each other, we should have though.

"Rose was born with a lupus, the same thing my mom had. I try to be there for her but sometimes work gets in the way or sometimes I just can't face her because I feel so helpless." Dante says as his expression goes softer, I don't think twice before wrapping my arms around him. "Oh Dante..." I say before eventually letting go. I hold his hand, "whether this marriage is fake or not I'm here for you, and I will stay by your side." I reassure him, "we're in this together." I smiled at him, I felt like such a douche for treating him like that for the past few months. He was going through a lot and I was being a selfish 'wife,' I let him down, once again.

"You should go you have a trip, you can call me anytime if you ever feel like talking to someone." I tell him in hopes of making the situation he's in better. "I didn't mean what I said..." Dante said standing up. "You're a really good person Eve, and you can go to work of course. I'm not even sure why I refused to let you go. Oh, and I'm definitely calling you every night." Dante laughs, relief fills me as I hear his laugh. The best feeling in the world is knowing you can help the people around be happy again, and that's what I did with Dante. Dante pulls me up, wrapping his arms around me, "thank you for this." He says before letting go of me, I smile at him.

I guess after all he wasn't what everyone thought he was, this was a new Dante and I was thankful for that, I guess I'm getting something out of this deal. 

Hey lovelies!

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Hoax - A marriage of convenience romanceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें